
“Active Range Of Motion”经常缩写成AROM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和生理学相关。


Active Range Of Motion : 活动范围

Active Range Of Motion具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AROM
  2. 英语全称: Active Range Of Motion
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:活动范围
  7. 中文拼音:huó dòng fàn wéi
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:生理学


  1. The initial stages of repair include the formation of functionally weak tissue that is not capable of supporting tensile forces that allow early active range of motion.
  2. 初期修补阶段包括机能上不牢固的组织的形成,这不能支撑伸长的力量,从而使早期不能具有好的活动范围(AROM)。
  3. Tendon repair in the hand involves a slow repair process, which results in inferior repair tissue and often a failure to obtain full active range of motion.
  4. 手部的肌腱修补包括一个缓慢的修补过程,这是因为差劲的组织修补,通常很难获得满意活动的范围。
  5. Results The active range of motion at DIP joint averaged 72 degrees in 10 cases and no complications occurred.
  6. 结果10例患指远侧指间关节的平均主动活动范围(AROM)为72°,无并发症发生。
  7. Active range of motion ( AROM ) of operated hip and functional independence measure ( FIM ) at discharge were compared.
  8. 康复治疗组术后进行早期康复训练,比较两组患者出院时手术侧髋主动活动范围(AROM)(AROM)和功能独立性评定(FIM)。
  9. After treatment, active range of motion ( AROM ), pain degree, visual analog scale ( VAS ) and functional independence measure ( FIM ) in the affected hip were compared between the two groups.
  10. 比较两组患者治疗后手术侧髋主动活动范围(AROM)(AROM)、疼痛程度的视觉模糊评分(VAS)和日常生活能力的功能独立性评定(FIM)。


英文缩写词 AROM 的含义,不止“Active Range Of Motion”一个。




  1. Alterable Read Only Memory 缩写成 “AROM”. 中文意思是:可变只读存储器
  2. Aquagenic Refractory Organic Matter 缩写成 “AROM”. 中文意思是:水性难降解有机物
  3. Accelerated Read Out Mimosa 缩写成 “AROM”. 中文意思是:加速读出含羞草

