
“Computer-Aided Process Planning”经常缩写成CAPP,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。


Computer-Aided Process Planning : 计算机辅助工艺规划

Computer-Aided Process Planning具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CAPP
  2. 英语全称: Computer-Aided Process Planning
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:计算机辅助工艺规划
  7. 中文拼音:jì suàn jī fǔ zhù gōng yì guī huà
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:电子


  1. In this paper, we develop a computer simulation system of mechanical element process by means of computer-aided process planning ( CAPP ) and computer graphics.
  2. 应用计算机辅助工艺设计和图形学技术,开发了一个零件加工工艺的图形仿真系统。
  3. Computer-aided process planning are areas of engineering analysis and design, production preparation work is an important one.
  4. 计算机辅助工艺规划(CAPP)属于工程分析与设计范畴,是重要的生产准备工作之一。
  5. Based on the application of computer-aided process planning ( CAPP ) to enterprises, this paper puts forward a method of organizing and utilizing the typical process knowledge, which provides a fine framework of applying it to CAPP.
  6. 本文通过CAPP在企业的应用实践,提出了在CAPP中典型工艺知识的组织和利用方法,为CAPP系统中典型工艺知识的应用提供了良好框架。
  7. On the basis of the virtual design and manufacture platform, 3D digital design, computer-aided analysis and computer-aided process planning under the support of network system were carried out.
  8. 基于虚拟设计制造平台完成了网络系统支持下的产品三维数字化设计、计算机辅助分析、计算机辅助工艺设计;
  9. The system of computer-aided process planning information is an important hinge to connect design to produce. And researching on CAPP can promote the ability of enterprise fast reaction as well as the ability of market competition.
  10. 计算机辅助工艺设计信息系统是连接设计和生产的重要环节,对CAPP进行研究,对促进企业快速反应能力,提高市场竞争力有重要作用。


英文缩写词 CAPP 的含义,不止“Computer-Aided Process Planning”一个。




  1. Canadian Association Of Petroleum Producers 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:加拿大石油生产商协会
  2. Caspian Energy International, Inc. 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:里海能源国际公司
  3. Career And Personal Planning 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:职业生涯与个人规划
  4. Contentscommonwealth Accounting Policies And Procedures 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:健康会计政策和程序的内容
  5. Commonwealth Accounting Policies And Procedures 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:联邦会计政策和程序
  6. Comcanadian Association Of Petroleum Producers 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:加拿大石油生产商协会


  1. Curriculum Advising And Program Planning 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:课程建议和计划
  2. Computer Acquisition And Placement Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:计算机采集与放置程序
  3. California Academic Partnership Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:加州学术合作计划


  1. Compliance Assurance And Pollution Prevention 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:合规保证和污染预防
  2. Computer-Aided Project Planning 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:计算机辅助项目规划
  3. Child Assault Prevention Project 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:儿童攻击预防项目
  4. Computer Assisted Physiological Profile 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:计算机辅助生理学简介
  5. Community And Police Partnership 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:社区和警察伙伴关系
  6. Comprehensive Arts Planning Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:综合艺术规划项目


  1. Council Of Accountable Physician Practices 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:负责医师执业委员会
  2. Child Abuse Prevention Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:儿童虐待预防计划
  3. Chicagoland Area Protege Picnic 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:芝加哥地区Protege野餐
  4. Community Action Plan For Phelps 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:菲尔普斯社区行动计划


  1. Communications Attention And Personal Preparation 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:沟通注意和个人准备
  2. Controlled Access Protector Protocol 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:受控访问保护协议
  3. Child Anxiety And Phobia Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:儿童焦虑和恐惧症计划
  4. Caregivers And Professionals Partnership 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:医务人员和专业人员合作关系
  5. Cohort Of Associate Professors Project 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:副教授队列项目
  6. Caregivers And Professional Partnership 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:护理者和专业伙伴关系
  7. Communication Assessment And Prioritization Program 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:沟通评估和优先顺序计划
  8. Center For Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:青少年怀孕预防中心
  9. Creepy Awesome Predacious Prelacy 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:令人毛骨悚然的、令人敬畏的、贪婪的预判


  1. Computer Aided Production Planning 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:计算机辅助生产计划
  2. Calculation And Presentation Package 缩写成 “CAPP”. 中文意思是:计算和演示包

