
“Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence”经常缩写成PRBS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。


Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence : 伪随机二进制序列

Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PRBS
  2. 英语全称: Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:伪随机二进制序列
  7. 中文拼音:wěi suí jī èr jìn zhì xù liè
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:电子


  1. Pseudo-random binary sequence generator
  2. 伪随机二进制序列(PRBS)发生器
  3. Pseudo-random Binary Sequence Based on the Dynamic Characters Testing of Hydraulic Servo Valve and VXI Bus Virtual Instrument
  4. 基于VXI总线虚拟仪器液压伺服阀动态特性测试实验台的逆重复伪随机算法
  5. The experiment result of a new signal, pseudo-random binary sequence ( PRBS ) with acute cross-correlation characteristic, is accordant with the theory analysis.
  6. 提出了一种新的信号,伪随机二进制序列(PRBS),在常温下的实验结果和理论上尖锐的互相关特性分析一致。
  7. Many researches have been done to create pseudo-random binary sequence which can be a substitute of conventional sequence. The sequences based on chaotic system get the traits of white noise can be the PN code of CDMA system.
  8. 基于混沌的伪随机序列具有类似白噪声的统计特性,完全可以取代传统序列作为CDMA通信系统的PN码,已有大量文章证实其可行性。
  9. Based on the improved inverse repeated pseudo-random binary sequence and the advanced VXI bus equipment, the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic servo valve were successfully tested, which show its validity and accuracy.
  10. 运用一种改进型的逆重复伪随机算法,结合先进的VXI总线仪器,成功地实现了液压伺服阀动态性能的测试,实践证明了这种方法的有效性。


英文缩写词 PRBS 的含义,不止“Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence”一个。




  1. Pseudorandom Binary Sequence 缩写成 “PRBS”. 中文意思是:伪随机二进制序列

