
“Image Intensification”经常缩写成I2,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Image Intensification : 图像增强

Image Intensification具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:I2
  2. 英语全称: Image Intensification
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:图像增强
  7. 中文拼音:tú xiàng zēng qiáng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. It is also optically fused with thermal imaging in the company's fusion image intensification thermal system.
  2. 它还能够在公司的融合影像强力热力系统下完成热成像。
  3. Technology Research on Shell Beam Image Intensification(I2) Based on the Wavelet Transformation
  4. 基于小波变换的炮弹射线图像增强(I2)技术研究
  5. They are highly visible during daytime and nighttime environments both with the naked eye and with image intensification devices. It is somewhat like being on a movie set : what seems real is sustained by an array of devices.
  6. 用肉眼或影像增强装置,无论是白天或夜间,其都清晰可见。这有点像一部电影背景:看起来真实的东西被一批装置所支撑着。
  7. The prospects for the development of low-light-level image intensification of fourth generation, the new low-light-level imaging pickup and the new type of thermal imaging have also been discussed.
  8. 文中对新世纪的微光四代像增强技术、新型微光摄像技术和热成像技术的发展作了展望。
  9. In the area of low light level imaging, image intensification technique of the first, second and third generation, vacuum and solid state imaging pickup, as well as photon counting imaging systems have successively made their appearance.
  10. 在微光成像技术方面,发展了一代、二代和三代直视像增强技术,真空和固体微光摄像技术及光子计数成像技术;


英文缩写词 I2 的含义,不止“Image Intensification”一个。




  1. Internet 2 缩写成 “I2”. 中文意思是:互联网2


  1. Ion Implant (also seen as II) 缩写成 “I2”. 中文意思是:离子植入物(也称为II)

