“Precision Guided Weapons”经常缩写成PGW,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“精确制导武器”。
Precision Guided Weapons具体释义
- 英文缩写:PGW
- 英语全称: Precision Guided Weapons
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:精确制导武器
- 中文拼音:jīng què zhì dǎo wǔ qì
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- Automatic Target Recognition through infrared imaging is an important part in the research of the precision guided weapons.
- 红外成像自动目标识别是精确制导武器(PGW)的重要研究内容。
- Through the analysis of air strike weapons in kosolv, pointed out that precision strike and operation support of spaceflight system were the main characteristics of the air strike the air strike in Kosolv gave useful enlightenment to the development of Antiair strike operation and precision guided weapons.
- 通过对科索沃空袭武器的分析,指出精确打击与航天系统支援作战是空袭的主要特点。科索沃空袭为反空袭作战与精确制导武器(PGW)的发展提供了有益的启示。
- The stepped-frequency radar is a kind of high range resolution radar and it is significant to precision guided weapons.
- 频率步进雷达是一种高分辨雷达,在精确制导武器(PGW)系统中具有重要意义。
- Laser is a practical and efficient measure for soft damage to this kind of precision guided weapons.
- 为了对抗这种精确制导武器(PGW),采用激光作为杀伤源对其进行软杀伤是一种极为实用、高效的对抗手段。
- With further requirement of the advanced technology in military tasks, the technology of imaging-based target tracking, which is an important development direction of target tracking, gets quick of development, and is gradually adopted in the system of precision guided weapons.
- 随着高技术作战的需要,基于图像的目标跟踪技术,做为目标跟踪技术的一个重要发展方向,得到了迅速的发展,在精确制导武器(PGW)系统中正被逐渐采用。
英文缩写词 PGW 的含义,不止“Precision Guided Weapons”一个。
- Presumptuous Graft Wranglers 缩写成 “PGW”. 中文意思是:傲慢的贪污纠纷者
- Publishers Group West 缩写成 “PGW”. 中文意思是:西部出版商集团
- Philadelphia Gas Works 缩写成 “PGW”. 中文意思是:费城天然气厂
- Propylene Glycol and Water 缩写成 “PGW”. 中文意思是:丙二醇和水
- Pittsburgh Glass Works 缩写成 “PGW”. 中文意思是:匹兹堡玻璃工厂