
“Supply and Transportation”经常缩写成S&T,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Supply and Transportation : 供应和运输

Supply and Transportation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:S&T
  2. 英语全称: Supply and Transportation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:供应和运输
  7. 中文拼音:gōng yìng hé yùn shū
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Such sectors as telecommunication, electricity, water supply and transportation are always regarded as an important domain of regulation, which is mainly attributed to their " Economies of scale " and " Economies of scope ".
  2. 包括电信、电力、供水、交通在内的自然垄断产业一向是各国政府规制的主要内容。这是由自然垄断产业的经济技术特征原来主要是规模经济而现在主要是范围经济所决定的。
  3. But heterogenous blood transfusion always has difficulties of blood supply and transportation, and it may bring blood transfusion reaction and infectious diseases. This influences the curative effect on war injury hemorrhagic shock.
  4. 而异体血液始终存在着血液供应与运输上的困难和异体输血有可能带来的异体输血反应、血源性疾病传报等问题,这些都影响着对战伤失血性休克的救治效果。
  5. PT AMERICAN Type Self-priming pumps are suitable for water supply and sewage transportation in factories, mines, construction sites, irrigation in the fields, gardens and fishing grounds.
  6. PT型美式自吸泵,适用于厂矿、工地给排水、住宅供水、以及农田、花园、苗圃渔场等。
  7. Transportation Supply and Urban Transportation
  8. 增加交通供给与改善城市交通
  9. By the development trend, Hubei will fully utilize resource advantage and position advantage of examining oneself, accelerate the steps of industrialization, urbanization and informationization. Total supply and demand and transportation demand growth potential are enormous in the future.
  10. 从发展趋势看,湖北省将充分利用自省的资源优势和区位优势,加快工业化、城镇化和信息化的脚步,未来经济总量和运输需求增长潜力巨大。


英文缩写词 S&T 的含义,不止“Supply and Transportation”一个。




  1. Strategy and Tactics 缩写成 “S&T”. 中文意思是:战略战术


  1. Science and Technology 缩写成 “S&T”. 中文意思是:科学技术

