“Military Group”经常缩写成MILGP,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“军事大队”。
Military Group具体释义
- 英文缩写:MILGP
- 英语全称: Military Group
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:军事大队
- 中文拼音:jūn shì dà duì
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- According to the guerrillas they died when an " unidentified military group " attacked the jungle camp where they were being held.
- 据游击队说,他们是在“身份不明的武装组织”袭击关押他们的森林帐篷时死亡的。
- Survey on the status of phycological stress monitoring and alerting for military group and the effectiveness evaluation of its intervention
- 军事群体心理应激监测、预警及干预效果评价
- It makes the economic and American company of recipient country have established economic foundation for one body for America establishes political military group.
- 从经济上,它使受援国与美国连为一体,这为美国建立政治军事集团奠定了经济基础。
- The healthy development of serviceman's personality can form the fighting power of the military forces under high-tech situation, and produce the coherence of the military groups, and inspire the creativity of military personnel, and formulate the supplement to military group advantage.
- 军人个性的健康发展可以形成高技术条件下的部队战斗力、生成军队集体的凝聚力、激发军事人才的创造力、形成军队群体优势的互补力。
- First it describes Guilin's situation under the control of New Gui Military Group(MILGP) in 1930s, including the political construction, the economic construction, communication construction, business and trade, finance and cultural construction.
- 一是主要论述了30年代初新桂系统治下的桂林概况,分六部分:政治建设、经济建设、交通建设、商业和对外贸易、财政金融、文化建设。
英文缩写词 MILGP 的含义,不止“Military Group”一个。
- Military Group (Assigned to American Embassy In Host Nation) 缩写成 “MILGP”. 中文意思是:军事集团(分配给美国驻东道国大使馆)