
“Organizations and Operations”经常缩写成O&O,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Organizations and Operations : 组织和运营

Organizations and Operations具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:O&O
  2. 英语全称: Organizations and Operations
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:组织和运营
  7. 中文拼音:zǔ zhī hé yùn yíng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. It contains those activities defining policies, guidelines, and strategies that guide all organizations and operations of the company.
  2. 它包括这些活动:定义策略,方针,和指导公司所有组织化的操作的策略。
  3. Moving to the cloud requires a transformation in architecture as well as in the way organizations do business and manage operations.
  4. 要迁移到云中,架构以及组织开展业务与经营管理的方式都需要转变。
  5. Although the framework was originally conceived around a manufacturing-type organization, there is evidence that all types of organizations, including educational institutions and governmental operations are using the PCF to help manage and guide their business operations.
  6. 尽管该框架最初的构思是以制造业组织为中心,但事实已经证实,包括教育机构和政府机构在内的所有类型的组织都在使用PCF来协助管理和指导其业务运作。
  7. The State encourages and guides domestic and foreign economic organizations to invest in highway construction and operations in accordance with law.
  8. 国家鼓励、引导国内外经济组织依法投资建设、经营公路。
  9. The thesis gives a main introduction to the circumstances of village self-government in Jiangsu province after the set up of Nanjing National Government, describing and evaluating the systems of organizations below the county level and their operations.
  10. 本文主要介绍南京国民政府成立后江苏省的乡村自治情形,对县以下的区村组织制度及其运作进行叙述和评价。


英文缩写词 O&O 的含义,不止“Organizations and Operations”一个。




  1. Offshoring And Outsourcing 缩写成 “O&O”. 中文意思是:离岸和外包
  2. Owned and Operated 缩写成 “O&O”. 中文意思是:拥有和经营
  3. Owned & Operated 缩写成 “O&O”. 中文意思是:拥有和经营


  1. Over and Out 缩写成 “O&O”. 中文意思是:进出


  1. Operational and Organizational 缩写成 “O&O”. 中文意思是:运营和组织

