
“Kuwait, Kuwait”经常缩写成KWI,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和机场代码相关。


Kuwait, Kuwait : 科威特科威特

Kuwait, Kuwait具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:KWI
  2. 英语全称: Kuwait, Kuwait
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:科威特科威特
  7. 中文拼音:kē wēi tè kē wēi tè
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:机场代码


  1. Earlier this year a report in Petroleum Intelligence Weekly suggested that Kuwait's state-run Kuwait Petroleum Corporation ( KPC ) was not providing a full picture of how much oil it had.
  2. 今天早些时候上发表了一篇文章指出科威特的国营科威特石油公司(KPC)并没有提供其石油储备量的真实情况。
  3. Foreign construction personnel shall enter Kuwait in accordance with relevant stipulations of kuwait, obtain entry visa and construction permit, and their passports shall be put together for safekeeping.
  4. 外籍施工人员入境遵照科威特的有关规定,办理入境签证和施工许可证,护照集中保存管理。
  5. The sediment spill plan is to be prepared according to Kuwait National standards or international standards where no adequate Kuwait standards exist and will have to be accepted by the engineer.
  6. 依照科威特国家标准或国际标准(若无足够的科威特标准,)制定沉淀物溢出计划,该计划必须经监理方认可。
  7. In the past 46 years, the private petroleum transport company in Kuwait changed into a public one. It was getting bigger and played a very important role in economy of Kuwait, especially in the petroleum industry.
  8. 科威特石油运输公司在由全资私有公司变成全资公有公司的46年里,由小变大,在科经济尤其是石油工业中发挥了重要作用。
  9. The Kuwait media calls the match as a " bottleneck " contest, which is going to decide the success or failure of Kuwait team.
  10. 这场比赛被科威特媒体称为“瓶颈之战”,成败在此一举。


英文缩写词 KWI 的含义,不止“Kuwait, Kuwait”一个。




  1. Kingswalk 缩写成 “KWI”. 中文意思是:金斯旺克


  1. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute 缩写成 “KWI”. 中文意思是:威廉皇帝学院


  1. Karst Waters Institute 缩写成 “KWI”. 中文意思是:岩溶水研究所


  1. KIWI which is 缩写成 “KWI”. 中文意思是:猕猴桃
  2. Karl Winnacker Institut 缩写成 “KWI”. 中文意思是:卡尔温纳克学院

