
“History and Physical Examination”经常缩写成HPE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和生理学相关。


History and Physical Examination : 病史和体格检查

History and Physical Examination具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HPE
  2. 英语全称: History and Physical Examination
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:病史和体格检查
  7. 中文拼音:bìng shǐ hé tǐ gé jiǎn chá
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:生理学


  1. Recognize that the chief complaint is the starting point for the focused history and physical examination?
  2. 认识到主诉是着重病史和身体检查的起点?
  3. AS understanding of the family history and physical examination AS patients relatives might find familial aggregation of AS patients and relatives were misdiagnosed or diagnosed patients.
  4. 对AS的家族史了解和AS病人亲属体格检查可能会发现家族聚集性和AS病人亲属中被误诊或未诊断的病人。
  5. During your consultation with a plastic surgeon, a detailed medical history and physical examination will permit tailoring the surgical technique further for you.
  6. 在您的整形外科医生,详细的病史和体检咨询会允许剪裁为你手术技术进一步。
  7. In the early days, the diagnosis of cardiac disease, in addition to the history and physical examination, the most important ancillary diagnostic tool is cardiac catheterization.
  8. 在早期,心脏疾病之诊断,除病史和理学检查外,最重要之辅助诊断工具即为心脏导管;
  9. In most instances the underlying cause of a respiratory disorder is readily apparent by history and physical examination, and special tests are generally not required.
  10. 在大多数情况下,某种通气障碍的潜在原因通过病史和体格检查(HPE)还是比较容易确认的,一般不需要特殊检查。


英文缩写词 HPE 的含义,不止“History and Physical Examination”一个。




  1. Humble Portal Engine 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:简陋门户引擎


  1. Human Phisiological Equivalent 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:人体生理学等效物
  2. Health Promotion England (abolished, date unknown) 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:英国健康促进(废止,日期不详)
  3. Higher Professional Education 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:高等职业教育
  4. histopathological examination 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:组织病理学检查
  5. holoprosencephaly 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:无前脑畸形
  6. hydrostatic pulmonary (o)edema 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:静液压性肺水肿
  7. Hypericum perforatum extract 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:贯叶金丝桃提取物
  8. hepatoportoenterostomy 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:肝门肠造口术


  1. Hope Vale, Queensland, Australia 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚昆士兰州希望谷


  1. Human Performance Engineering 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:人因工程学


  1. High Performance Estate 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:高性能地产
  2. High Performance Environment 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:高性能环境


  1. Health Promotion England 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:英国健康促进
  2. Health Promotion Education 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:健康促进教育


  1. High Potential Elements 缩写成 “HPE”. 中文意思是:高电位元件

