“Under Observation for ....”经常缩写成U/O,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于医学领域 ,和生理学相关。中文意思为:“正在观察….”。
Under Observation for ....具体释义
- 英文缩写:U/O
- 英语全称: Under Observation for ....
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:正在观察….
- 中文拼音:zhèng zài guān chá
- 常用领域:医学
- 相关:生理学
- Last Thursday, Moody's Investors Service placed Fiat under observation for a possible downgrade on short-and long-term debt.
- 上周四,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)将菲亚特列入了可能下调其短期和长期债务评级的观察名单。
- The other two were under observation for signs of infection, officials said.
- 官员们称,另外两人正在被观察是否有受感染的迹象。
- They're keeping him under observation for a couple of days.
- 医生会留他住院观察几天。
- The doctor decided to keep him under observation for another week.
- 医生决定让他留在医院里再观察一星期。
- Several hundred of its patients are under quarantine in the hospital or elsewhere, either because their infections have been confirmed or they are under observation for symptoms.
- 该院的数百名患者正在这家医院或其他地方接受隔离,要么是已经确诊感染,要么是正在观察症状。
英文缩写词 U/O 的含义,不止“Under Observation for ....”一个。
- Used on 缩写成 “U/O”. 中文意思是:用于