
“National Warning System”经常缩写成NAWAS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和海洋科学相关。


National Warning System : 全国警报系统

National Warning System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NAWAS
  2. 英语全称: National Warning System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:全国警报系统
  7. 中文拼音:quán guó jǐng bào xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:海洋科学


  1. To establish the national early warning system;
  2. 建立国家粮食安全预警系统;
  3. The significant compatibility of the software can help it connect with the national epidemic situation net directly. This will perfect the national epidemic monitoring and warning system. We can expect that the software can produce the huge economic performance and social performances. 2.
  4. 该系统可以直接连接到国家疫情网络系统,弥补我国新发传染病临床监测和预警系统的不足,具有很大的社会效益和潜在的经济效益。
  5. Establishment of agricultural sci-tech investment projects management information system is an important content of informatization management of agricultural investment project, and also is an urgent requirement of constructing the national macroscopic investment early warning information system and making further perfection of macroscopic investment controlling mechanism.
  6. 建立农业投资项目管理信息系统是农业投资项目信息化管理的重要内容,也是建设国家宏观投资预警信息系统、进一步完善投资宏观调控机制的迫切需要。
  7. Improve the manage legal system of national crisis, set up the warning system of the crisis; carry out the quality education of managing in crisis in order to improve the ability both on government's policymaker and the public take precautions against the crisis.
  8. 完善国家危机管理法律体系,建立危机预警系统,开展危机管理素质教育和培训,以提高政府决策者和社会公众防范危机的能力。
  9. As the important mainstay industry of national economy in China, real estate economy early warning system has important economical significance and social significance for real estate industry.
  10. 作为我国国民经济重要支柱产业的房地产业,房地产经济预警具有重要的经济意义和社会意义。


英文缩写词 NAWAS 的含义,不止“National Warning System”一个。




  1. Night Adverse Weather Attack System 缩写成 “NAWAS”. 中文意思是:夜间恶劣天气袭击系统
  2. National Attack Warning Alert System 缩写成 “NAWAS”. 中文意思是:国家攻击预警系统

