“National Assessment of Educational Progress”经常缩写成NAEP,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。中文意思为:“国家教育进展评估”。
National Assessment of Educational Progress具体释义
- 英文缩写:NAEP
- 英语全称: National Assessment of Educational Progress
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:国家教育进展评估
- 中文拼音:guó jiā jiào yù jìn zhǎn píng gū
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:教育
- The study was done as part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP), called the Nation's Report Card.
- 该研究是作为国家教育进展评估(NAEP)的一部分,叫做国家报告卡。
- The Emergence and Development of National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP) System in America
- 美国国家教育进展评估(NAEP)(NAEP)体系的产生与发展
- In this aspect, the international community provides us with many excellent cases in which the National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP) ( NAEP ) can be said to create a precedent for assessing national academic achievement.
- 在这方面,国际上为我们提供了许多优秀的案例。其中,美国全国教育进展评价体系(NAEP)可以说是开创了全国性学业成就评价的先河。
- National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP) is the only continuous, long-term assessment system for academic achievement of elementary and high school students in America.
- 美国国家教育进展评估(NAEP)是目前美国国内惟一连续、长期的中小学生学业成绩测量体系。
英文缩写词 NAEP 的含义,不止“National Assessment of Educational Progress”一个。