
“Short Take-Off and Landing”经常缩写成STOL,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Short Take-Off and Landing : 短程起降

Short Take-Off and Landing具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:STOL
  2. 英语全称: Short Take-Off and Landing
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:短程起降
  7. 中文拼音:duǎn chéng qǐ jiàng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. Shootsum; short take-off and landing aircraft;
  2. 短距起飞和着陆飞机;
  3. True short take-off and landing capability for the serious sport pilot.
  4. 真正的短期采取的起飞和着陆的能力,严重的运动试验。
  5. Vertical / short take-off and landing aircraft
  6. 垂直/短距起落飞机
  7. The mission requirements for the new fighters are high maneuverability and short take-off and landing performance.
  8. 新一代战斗机要求具有良好的机动性和短距离起降性能。
  9. This paper begin with some factors which affect air combat efficiency such as stealth, supersonic cruise, post-stall maneuvers, agility and short take-off and landing and so on, and investigates the effect of thrust vectoring technology on air combat efficiency.
  10. 从隐身性、超音速巡航、超机动、敏捷性和短距起降等影响空战效能的因素入手,研究了推力矢量技术对上述影响空战效能因素的作用。


英文缩写词 STOL 的含义,不止“Short Take-Off and Landing”一个。




  1. Short Time Overload 缩写成 “STOL”. 中文意思是:短时过载


  1. System Test and Operations Language 缩写成 “STOL”. 中文意思是:系统测试和操作语言
  2. Short Takeoff and Landing 缩写成 “STOL”. 中文意思是:短程起降


  1. Short Take Offand Landing 缩写成 “STOL”. 中文意思是:短程起降
  2. Short Turbulence On Landing 缩写成 “STOL”. 中文意思是:着陆时短湍流

