
“Integrated Product Development System”经常缩写成IPDS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Integrated Product Development System : 集成产品开发系统

Integrated Product Development System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IPDS
  2. 英语全称: Integrated Product Development System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:集成产品开发系统
  7. 中文拼音:jí chéng chǎn pǐn kāi fā xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. Study of integrated product development and management system based on concurrent engineering
  2. 基于并行工程的集成化产品开发管理系统研究
  3. The top three processes in the IPD management system are market management process, offering requirement process and integrated product development process. The IPD management system has been proved an excellent approach to product development.
  4. 该体系中最重要的三大流程是市场管理流程、需求管理流程和集成产品开发流程。
  5. At first, the architecture of integrated product development environment supporting product design reuse was constructed through combining case-based reasoning with product data management system.
  6. 将基于实例的推理技术引入产品数据管理,提出一种基于产品数据管理的支持产品复用的集成产品开发环境结构;
  7. Since the integrated quality management system is conducted, the company makes a great progress in product development, process control and sub-supplier management, the implementation of system promotes the operation performance.
  8. 推行并整合质量管理体系以来,该公司在新产品开发、过程控制和分供方管理等方面都有了很大的改进,体系的运行有效地推动了公司的经营业绩。
  9. Thirdly, it introduces the process plan of integrated quality management system, moreover, mainly introduces the core model including sub-supplier management, process control and product development process. Finally, it states the performance of integrated quality management system.
  10. 再次介绍了天津百利得汽车零部件有限公司整合质量管理体系的过程策划,重点介绍了整合后的核心模块,对分供方管理、过程控制和产品开发过程的管理进行了主要说明。


英文缩写词 IPDS 的含义,不止“Integrated Product Development System”一个。




  1. Integrated Personal Development System 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:个人综合发展系统
  2. Initial Professional Development Scheme 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:初步专业发展计划
  3. Inland Petroleum Distribution System 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:内陆石油分配系统


  1. Imagery Processing and Dissemination System 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:图像处理与传播系统
  2. Interior Procurement Data System 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:内部采购数据系统
  3. Inland Petroleum Distribution System (Army) 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:内陆石油分配系统(陆军)


  1. Indiana Professional Development Seminar 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:印第安纳州专业发展研讨会
  2. Integrated Power Development Scheme 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:综合电力发展方案
  3. IEEE International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:国际计算机性能与可靠性研讨会


  1. Irrigation Production Data System 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:灌溉生产数据系统
  2. Intelligent Print Data Stream 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:智能打印数据流


  1. Intelligent Printer Data Stream 缩写成 “IPDS”. 中文意思是:智能打印机数据流

