
“Fly By Wire”经常缩写成FBW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Fly By Wire : 逐线飞行

Fly By Wire具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FBW
  2. 英语全称: Fly By Wire
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:逐线飞行
  7. 中文拼音:zhú xiàn fēi xíng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. Study on System Safety Analysis Methods of the Fly by Wire System of Aircraft
  2. 飞机电传操纵系统安全性分析方法的研究
  3. The studies of flying qualities during approach to landing for the fly by wire aircraft with control and augmented system were conducted on a fixed base flying quality simulator in this paper.
  4. 针对电传控制增稳飞机进行了进场着陆的飞行品质地面模拟试验研究。
  5. The Determination of Fly by Wire Flight Control System Stability Margin in Flight Test
  6. 试飞确定电传飞控系统稳定裕度
  7. By use of the equivalent low order system matching method, sensitivity of the lateral and directional flying qualities of all authority, fly by wire aircraft ( FBW a / c ) to variations of aerodynamic parameters was investigated from low up to stall angles of attack.
  8. 使用等效系统评价方法,根据数值计算结果分析了全权限电传操纵飞机从小迎角到失速迎角横航向飞行品质对于气动参数变化的灵敏度。
  9. Optimal control pilot modeling technique in frequency domain analysis is an effective methodology used to analytically evaluate the handling qualities of aircraft with fly by wire flight control systems in the approach and landing task.
  10. 采用最优控制驾驶员模型在频率域内分析是理论评价电传操纵飞机着陆下滑状态飞行品质的一种有效方法。


英文缩写词 FBW 的含义,不止“Fly By Wire”一个。




  1. Fund for a Better Waterfront 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:改善滨水环境基金
  2. Farmers Bank of Willards 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:威拉德农民银行


  1. Fraud By Wire 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:线控欺诈


  1. Flask Of Blood Wine 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:一瓶红酒
  2. Franz Brozincevic Wetzikon 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:弗朗茨·布罗津切维奇·韦齐康
  3. Full Bottle Worthy 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:满瓶的
  4. FBP Border Watch 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:FBP边界监视
  5. Free Battered Women 缩写成 “FBW”. 中文意思是:免费受虐妇女

