
“Central Government Expenditure”经常缩写成CGE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国政府相关。


Central Government Expenditure : 中央财政支出

Central Government Expenditure具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CGE
  2. 英语全称: Central Government Expenditure
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:中央财政支出
  7. 中文拼音:zhōng yāng cái zhèng zhī chū
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国政府


  1. Although the headline data for central government expenditure indicates an improvement in the share of development spending, this has been more than offset by the growth in off-budget subsidies of oil, food and fertiliser.
  2. 虽然中央政府支出的总体数据显示,发展支出的份额有所改善,但石油、食物和化肥方面的预算外补贴却出现了更大的增长,足以抵消发展支出的增长。
  3. In normal years, central government expenditure is roughly 12 per cent of output.
  4. 在正常年份,中央政府的支出大致相当于GDP的12%。
  5. Especially with the implementation of fiscal reform, as an important part of science and technology system, local government investment has got the attention of the local government, local government expenditure on S & T has been beyond the central government expenditure on science and technology.
  6. 特别是随着财税改革的实施,地方政府科技投入作为科技投入体系的重要部分已受到各地方政府的重视,地方政府科技经费支出已超越中央政府的科技经费支出。
  7. The central government will oversee expenditure for defense, diplomacy, national security and other issues related to national market rule and management.
  8. 适度加强中央事权和支出责任。国防、外交、国家安全、关系全国统一市场规则和管理等作为中央事权。
  9. Second, the impelling action of central government fiscal productive expenditure is larger than local productive expenditure. Third, the scale of nonproductive fiscal expenditure is too large, which is no good to economic growth.
  10. 中央财政生产性支出对经济增长的推动力量远高于地方财政生产性支出,(3)国家财政的非生产性支出规模过大,不利于经济增长。


英文缩写词 CGE 的含义,不止“Central Government Expenditure”一个。




  1. Cambridge, Maryland USA 缩写成 “CGE”. 中文意思是:美国马里兰州剑桥


  1. Computable General Equilibrium 缩写成 “CGE”. 中文意思是:可计算一般均衡


  1. Cresol Glycidyl Ether 缩写成 “CGE”. 中文意思是:甲酚缩水甘油醚

