
“Design For eXcellence”经常缩写成DFX,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和建筑学相关。


Design For eXcellence : 卓越设计

Design For eXcellence具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DFX
  2. 英语全称: Design For eXcellence
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:卓越设计
  7. 中文拼音:zhuó yuè shè jì
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:建筑学


  1. A half-century later, the tradition lives on.3T goes from strength to strength, with victories in road, track and triathlon races, awards for design, and an enduring name for excellence.
  2. 半个世纪过去了,传统依然延续。3T的发展不断壮大。在公路,跑道和铁人三项的领域里。3T意味着无与伦比的设计与持久的卓越。
  3. In terms of product design and innovation, we are pursuing for excellence in the area of technics and quality, we are doing our best offer the best proposal for our customers.
  4. 公司在产品研发、设计上持续创新,在工艺、品质上精益求精,致力于为客户提供高品质、印刷品和工艺品。
  5. It is fully detailed in this paper to design for controlling network, analysis its accuracy and show its excellence in computer aided drawing.
  6. 对矿区控制网的布设、精度分析及机助法优化做了全面、细致的分析,并根据实测进行说明、验证(计算机成图帮助数字法)。
  7. The design of training platform for teachers in rural areas will help themselves to be more professional and cultivate excellence ideas of overall situation and promote the further development of the teaching research.
  8. 设计面向农村教师的网络培训平台有助于提升教师的专业化发展,培养优秀的教师团队,促进教学研究的进一步发展。
  9. Finally, design of e-intelligence for smart product and its future impacts on transforming six-sigma product service automation to business automation excellence are discussed.
  10. 讨论了面向产品预测的电智能的设计及其在将6-σ产品的服务自动化转化为商务自动化优势方面将产生的影响。


英文缩写词 DFX 的含义,不止“Design For eXcellence”一个。




  1. Design For X 缩写成 “DFX”. 中文意思是:X的设计
  2. Desire For Xtreme 缩写成 “DFX”. 中文意思是:对Xtreme的渴望


  1. Micrografx Effects DLL 缩写成 “DFX”. 中文意思是:微GRAFX效应DLL

