“Especially For Youth”经常缩写成EFY,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。中文意思为:“尤其是年轻人”。
Especially For Youth具体释义
- 英文缩写:EFY
- 英语全称: Especially For Youth
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:尤其是年轻人
- 中文拼音:yóu qí shì nián qīng rén
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:教育
- Many analysts saw these events as uprisings against inequalities, in income levels and opportunities, especially for youth.
- 许多分析家把这些事件视为奋起反抗收入水平和机遇方面的不平等现象,其中尤其涉及青年人。
- Broadband is also the basis for local information technology ( IT ) and IT-enabled services ( ITES ) industries, which generate new job opportunities, especially for youth and women.
- 宽带也是地方信息技术产业和信息技术连带服务业的基础,而这些产业和服务业可新增就业机会,对年轻人和服务尤为如此。
- They cite vast inequalities in income levels, in opportunities, especially for youth, and in access to social services as the cause.
- 他们列举的根源包括收入水平、机会(特别是对年轻人而言),以及对社会服务的获取等都极不平等。
- Sluggish post-crisis growth in the US and Europe is unlikely to be strong enough to reduce already high unemployment – especially for disenfranchised youth.
- 后危机时代下,美国和欧洲的疲软增长不大可能降低居高不下的失业率&尤其是丧失了公民权的年轻人群的失业率。
- Computer games have become the most favorite form of recreations for the public, regardless the difference of age, gender, race and geographical area, especially for the youth.
- 计算机游戏已经成为不分年龄、性别、种族和地域的广受大众,尤其是青少年喜爱的娱乐形式。
英文缩写词 EFY 的含义,不止“Especially For Youth”一个。
- Electronics for You 缩写成 “EFY”. 中文意思是:为您准备的电子产品
- Especially For You 缩写成 “EFY”. 中文意思是:尤其是你