“Military HeadQuarters”经常缩写成MHQ,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“军事指挥部”。
Military HeadQuarters具体释义
- 英文缩写:MHQ
- 英语全称: Military HeadQuarters
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:军事指挥部
- 中文拼音:jūn shì zhǐ huī bù
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- Outside the military headquarters in Dagger, there is little presence of paramilitary troops or police.
- 在达格尔军事总部外面,几乎看不到准军事部队和警察的存在。
- The optical fiber sensing technique has been getting highly concerned by many governments and military headquarters, because of its special advantages and functions.
- 光纤传感技术以其独特的优点和功能,引起了各国政府和军方的高度重视。
- She " remains to be convinced " that the EU needs its own military headquarters.
- 而她“仍然相信”欧盟需要有自己的军事总部。
- Being the military orders department of the Beijing Government, Military headquarters was a sign of the President's commanding the army.
- 参谋本部是北京政府的军令部门,是大总统军事统率权的具体体现。
- Last month, though, the former military headquarters of a colonial power was reincarnated as a " management campus " for UBS.
- 不过上个月,这个殖民地统治时期的原军事指挥部(MHQ)脱胎换骨,成了瑞银集团(ubs)的“管理学校”。
英文缩写词 MHQ 的含义,不止“Military HeadQuarters”一个。
- Medical History Questionnaire 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:病史调查表
- Material Happyness Quotient 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:物质幸福指数
- Medical Health Questionnaire 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:医疗健康调查表
- Mariehamn, Finland 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:芬兰Mariehamn
- Military History Quarterly 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:军事史季刊
- Mobile Home Quote 缩写成 “MHQ”. 中文意思是:移动主页报价