
“United States Volunteers”经常缩写成USV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


United States Volunteers : 美国志愿者

United States Volunteers具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:USV
  2. 英语全称: United States Volunteers
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:美国志愿者
  7. 中文拼音:měi guó zhì yuàn zhě
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. In the United States, volunteers are active in kinds of sports competitions, communities, schools, sports clubs, the disabled crowd, leisure sports organizations and other service areas, who have done great contribution for the development and progress of the sports course in America.
  2. 在美国,志愿者活跃在各种体育比赛、社区、学校、体育俱乐部、残障群体、体育休闲组织等服务领域,他们为美国体育事业的发展与进步做出了重要贡献。
  3. A generation ago, stay-at-home mothers were a big help to many churches in the United States. They worked as volunteers and kept the churches operating.
  4. 约30年前,居家主妇们对美国的教堂来说算是一大福音,她们以志愿者的身份做义工并维持着教堂的日常运营。
  5. As the first human trials for a swine flu vaccine began in Australia, the United States has appealed for several thousand volunteers to take part in similar tests there.
  6. 第一批猪流感疫苗开始在澳大利亚试用,美国呼吁数千名志愿者参与类似的试用活动。
  7. The Government of the United States will provide training to enable the Volunteers to perform their tasks in the most effective manner.
  8. 美国政府将为志愿者提供培训以使他们能最有效地执行其肩负的任务。
  9. In many wars before the Civil War ( including the Civil War ), the United States mainly depended on the recruitment of the volunteers.
  10. 在内战以前(包括内战前期)的历次战争中,美国主要靠招募志愿兵作战。


英文缩写词 USV 的含义,不止“United States Volunteers”一个。




  1. U S Restaurant Properties, Inc. 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:美国餐馆物业公司
  2. Ultimate Sound & Visual Productions Company 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:终极音像制作公司
  3. Universal Specialty Vehicles 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:通用特种车辆


  1. Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:苏西亚瓦大学


  1. Upper Stage Vehicle 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:上层车辆


  1. United Serbs Victoria 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:统一塞族人维多利亚


  1. Unterbrechungsfreie StromVersorgung 缩写成 “USV”. 中文意思是:不间断电源供应

