
“Cost Of Risk Analysis”经常缩写成CORA,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国政府相关。


Cost Of Risk Analysis : 风险成本分析

Cost Of Risk Analysis具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CORA
  2. 英语全称: Cost Of Risk Analysis
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:风险成本分析
  7. 中文拼音:fēng xiǎn chéng běn fēn xī
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国政府


  1. Cost of transformation risk analysis To textile enterprise
  2. 纺织企业转产风险成本分析(CORA)
  3. This paper introduces an analogy system for controlling quality time cost of engineering project and risk analysis method, which develop the application function of PERT. The system has been applied successfully to the management decision of large engineering project.
  4. 介绍基于PERT技术的工程项目质量、工期、费用控制模拟模型及风险分析方法,扩展了PERT的应用功能.该系统已在大型工程项目管理决策中应用并取得了良好效果。
  5. Taking reliability as theoretic basis, the economy of plant failures was evaluated using cost and revenue analytic method, and the class of failures and the objects of risk analysis were determined by the relative loss rate of failure.
  6. 以可靠性为基础,采用成本利润分析法进行设备故障经济性评价,用故障相对损失率来确定故障等级及风险分析对象。
  7. In the upcoming electricity market environment, marginal cost of power generation will play an important role in power pool's purchase pricing and risk analysis of farward contract pricing.
  8. 电力市场中发电边际成本经常用于发电上网定价和电力交易合同定价的风险决策。
  9. We Select a middle school teaching building construction project cost management as a case study, and analyze the project cost management in the implementation phase from four aspects of the set target cost, target cost breakdown, cost risk analysis and cost - schedule control.
  10. 遴选了某中学综合教学楼项目成本管理的工程案例作为研究对象,从目标成本设置、目标成本分解、成本风险分析以及费用&进度控制四个方面对该项目在实施阶段的成本管理进行分析。


英文缩写词 CORA 的含义,不止“Cost Of Risk Analysis”一个。




  1. California Outdoor Rollerskating Association 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:加利福尼亚户外滚装机协会


  1. Creating Opportunities by Recognizing Ablities 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:通过认识能力创造机会
  2. COrporate Responsibility Affairs 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:企业责任事务


  1. Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:俄克拉荷马州中部广播业余爱好者


  1. Correctional Officer Retention Advocates 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:惩教人员保留倡导者
  2. Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:Chippewa渥太华资源管理局
  3. Cost Of Risk Allocation 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:风险分配成本
  4. Cincinnati Off Road Alliance 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:辛辛那提越野联盟


  1. COlorado Research Associates 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:科罗拉多研究协会
  2. Computer Oral Response Activated 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:激活计算机口头反应
  3. Computer Operated Resource Assistant 缩写成 “CORA”. 中文意思是:计算机操作资源助理

