
“In My Own Opinion”经常缩写成IMOO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和聊天相关。


In My Own Opinion : 我个人认为

In My Own Opinion具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IMOO
  2. 英语全称: In My Own Opinion
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:我个人认为
  7. 中文拼音:wǒ gè rén rèn wéi
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:聊天


  1. In my own opinion it took the wrong approach to packaging Rails in a.war file.
  2. 我个人觉得它采用了一种错误的方式来把Rails应用打包成.war文件。
  3. In my own opinion, Individual character, its uniqueness, introduction of new technologies and its space programming.
  4. 就我而言,鲜明独立特征、唯一性、新理念的引入运用和空间关系恰当是几个关键要求。
  5. In my own opinion, it may be better to have diversified modes.
  6. 照我个人的想法,可能是多种多样的形式比较好。
  7. In my own opinion, there must be a lull in news if you are covering this story, he added.
  8. 就我个人观点而言,如果你们要报道这件事的话,那必须是一个简短的新闻,他补充说道。
  9. This paper lists several arguments about the conception of criminal record and come up the definition in my own opinion at first, point out that the criminal record should be defined as the fact that the doer was convicted or punished because of his crime.
  10. 本文首先列举了有关前科概念的几种观点并提出了自己对于前科含义的理解,指出前科应该定义为:行为人曾经因犯罪而被宣告有罪或被判处刑罚的事实。


英文缩写词 IMOO 的含义,不止“In My Own Opinion”一个。




  1. Improvising Musicians of Ottawa Outaouais 缩写成 “IMOO”. 中文意思是:渥太华的即兴音乐家
  2. Improvising Musicians of Ottawa/Outaouais 缩写成 “IMOO”. 中文意思是:渥太华/Outaouais 的即兴音乐家


  1. Iraq Ministry of Oil 缩写成 “IMOO”. 中文意思是:伊拉克石油部

