
“Must Keep Training”经常缩写成MKT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Must Keep Training : 必须继续训练

Must Keep Training具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MKT
  2. 英语全称: Must Keep Training
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:必须继续训练
  7. 中文拼音:bì xū jì xù xùn liàn
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career.
  2. 你首先应该牢记的一点是:你大学阶段的训练是为你将来的职业生涯做准备的。
  3. The information-based war puts forward the new request to soldier's physique, our army physical training must keep up with the information-based war step, the soldier's training with the information-based war and battlefields are close to combine.
  4. 信息化战争对军人体能提出了新的要求,我军体能训练必须跟上信息化战争步伐,着眼于信息化战争的需要,使体能训练与信息化战争与战场紧密结合。
  5. Its must teaching students to keep tL positive psychology condition, Tempering the strong ambition of college student Training the brave initiative of them in strengthening the character quality education.
  6. 在加强大学生人格素质教育方面,一要教会大学生保持积极的心态,二要锻炼大学生的坚强意志,三要培养大学生勇敢的进取精神;
  7. College libraries must completely break through the outmoded circulation and build up new systems to keep up with the time and bear their duties in personnel training and knowledge innovation.
  8. 高校图书馆必须彻底打破旧的循环模式,建立新的发展机制,才能跟上时代步伐,在知识创新和人才培养中切实担负其应有的职责。
  9. The training colleges and schools are confronted with an extremely difficult and urgent task that they must keep abreast of the elementary - education curriculum reform, and constantly study and attempt new patterns and approaches of new - curriculum teachers ' training.
  10. 适应基础教育课程改革的需要,不断探索和尝试新课程师资培训的新模式、新方法,是培训院校面临的一项十分艰巨和紧迫的任务。


英文缩写词 MKT 的含义,不止“Must Keep Training”一个。




  1. Advanced Marketing Services 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:高级营销服务


  1. Mobile Kitchen Trailer 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:流动炊事拖车
  2. Missouri, Kansas, Texas 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:密苏里州、堪萨斯州、德克萨斯州


  1. Mobile Kitchen Tactical 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:移动厨房战术
  2. Missouri Kansas And Texas 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:密苏里州 堪萨斯州 和 德克萨斯州
  3. Missouri Kansas Texas 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:密苏里州 堪萨斯州 德克萨斯州
  4. Mortal Kombat Trilogy 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:真人快打三部曲
  5. Mu Kappa Tau 缩写成 “MKT”. 中文意思是:木卡塔图

