
“European Coal and Steel Community”经常缩写成ECSC,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和非营利组织相关。


European Coal and Steel Community : 欧洲煤钢共同体

European Coal and Steel Community具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ECSC
  2. 英语全称: European Coal and Steel Community
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:欧洲煤钢共同体
  7. 中文拼音:ōu zhōu méi gāng gòng tóng tǐ
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:非营利组织


  1. European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC)
  2. 欧洲煤炭钢铁共同体
  3. One year later, France and germany, together with the four additional countries of italy, the netherlands, Belgium and luxembourg, signed the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and steel community.
  4. 一年后,法、德和义、荷、比、卢等四国签署了巴黎条约,因此成立了「欧洲煤钢共同体(ECSC)」。
  5. The greatest accomplishment of the European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC), after all, was its inauguration of a lasting peace in Europe.
  6. 欧洲煤钢共同体(ECSC)的最大成就在于开启了欧洲永久和平的序幕。
  7. In fact, before the European Coal and steel community plan was proposed, for the sake of enabling Germany to enjoy eternal peace, Adenauer had suggested to France that it join in an alliance with germany.
  8. 其实在这个煤钢共同体的计划提出之前,艾氏为著德国能够在欧洲永享和平,就向法国提议与德国同组一个联盟。
  9. The European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC) and the Enlightenment to the Integration of Northeast Economy
  10. 欧洲煤钢联营及其对东北亚经济一体化的启示


英文缩写词 ECSC 的含义,不止“European Coal and Steel Community”一个。




  1. East Coast Surfing Championships 缩写成 “ECSC”. 中文意思是:东海岸冲浪锦标赛


  1. Ecoscience Corporation 缩写成 “ECSC”. 中文意思是:生态科学公司


  1. Environmental Cooperative Science Center 缩写成 “ECSC”. 中文意思是:环境合作科学中心


  1. Early Childhood Service Council 缩写成 “ECSC”. 中文意思是:幼儿服务委员会


  1. Eastern Colleges Science Conference 缩写成 “ECSC”. 中文意思是:东部大学科学会议

