
“Euro, Dollar, and Yen”经常缩写成EDY,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和货币相关。


Euro, Dollar, and Yen : 欧元、美元和日元

Euro, Dollar, and Yen具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EDY
  2. 英语全称: Euro, Dollar, and Yen
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:欧元、美元和日元
  7. 中文拼音:ōu yuán měi yuán hé rì yuán
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:货币


  1. Eurozone finance ministers, impatient with the euro's unceasing rise against the dollar, renminbi and yen, spoke out yesterday against excessive exchange rate volatility and urged China to play its part in rebalancing the world economy.
  2. 欧元区各国财长昨日公开对欧元汇率波幅过大明确表示意见,敦促中国在全球经济调整方面发挥其自身的作用。面临欧元兑美元、人民币和日元汇率不断升值的走势,这些财长们失去了耐心。
  3. Euro weakness is now seen in the relative strength of currencies from both emerging markets and other European countries. This is a departure from patterns observed up to November, when euro weakness was concentrated versus the US dollar and the Japanese yen.
  4. 目前欧元对新兴市场和其他欧洲国家货币走弱,而在去年11月前,欧元的疲软主要还是体现在对美元和日元上。
  5. The euro fell to four-month lows against the dollar, sterling and the yen and a key gauge of sentiment among eurozone banks that measures the cost to insure debt rose to the highest levels since March 2009.
  6. 欧元兑美元、英镑和日元均跌至4个月低位;一项反映欧元区银行情绪、衡量债务担保成本的重要指数升至2009年3月以来的最高水平。
  7. The euro fell below $ 1.34 against the dollar for the first time since January and suffered heavy losses against the UK pound and the Japanese yen.
  8. 自1月以来,欧元对美元汇率首次跌破1欧元兑1.34美元,对英镑和日元也大幅贬值。
  9. The dollar dropped to a fresh 14-month low against the euro in intraday trade yesterday after the People's Bank of China suggested that, while the dollar should remain dominant, the share of the euro and the yen should increase in its foreign exchange reserves.
  10. 美元兑欧元昨日盘中跌至14个月来的新低。此前中国人民银行(PBoC)曾表示,虽然在中国的外汇储备中,美元应继续保持主导地位,但也应该增加欧元和日元所占的比例。


英文缩写词 EDY 的含义,不止“Euro, Dollar, and Yen”一个。




  1. Elasticity Of Demand 缩写成 “EDY”. 中文意思是:需求弹性


  1. Educationally Disadvantaged Youth 缩写成 “EDY”. 中文意思是:教育弱势青年


  1. Euro Dollar Yen 缩写成 “EDY”. 中文意思是:欧洲美元日元


  1. Edit Data Yourself 缩写成 “EDY”. 中文意思是:自己编辑数据

