
“Health Education And Recreation”经常缩写成HER,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。


Health Education And Recreation : 健康教育与休闲

Health Education And Recreation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HER
  2. 英语全称: Health Education And Recreation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:健康教育与休闲
  7. 中文拼音:jiàn kāng jiào yù yǔ xiū xián
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase.
  2. 花费在家具和家具用品,健康,教育和娱乐的支出持续增长。
  3. The essay points out the knowledge system of athletic training major through analyzing its ' courses content in school of health, physical education, and recreation in Indiana University in order to afford reference to reform the course setting of athletic training major in our country.
  4. 通过对美国印第安纳大学健康、体育和娱乐学院运动训练专业本科课程内容的剖析,从中揭示出其人才培养所需的专业知识内容体系,为我国运动训练专业课程改革提供参考。
  5. Explanation of Curriculum System for Athletic Training-Grade Teaching Major in School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation of Indiana University
  6. 美国印第安纳大学体育教学与运动训练复合型人才培养课程体系
  7. The firm also looked at medical and health access, education and access to schools, public transportation, recreation, availability of housing and consumer goods, as well as climate.
  8. 该公司还考察了医疗健康状况、教育和受教育机会、公共交通、娱乐消遣、住房制度、消费品购买、以及气候条件。
  9. Conclusions It is very important to pay more attention to health education, provide psychological therapy and encourage the patients to participate in recreation activities and social intercourse while the treatment of silicosis and its complications is conducted.
  10. 结论在对矽肺及并发症进行治疗的同时,重视健康教育,提供心理治疗,鼓励参加休闲活动和社会交往,有利于提高矽肺患者的生存质量。


英文缩写词 HER 的含义,不止“Health Education And Recreation”一个。




  1. human epidermal growth factor 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:人表皮生长因子


  1. Herencia 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:赫伦西亚


  1. Heraklion, Greece 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:希腊赫拉克利翁
  2. Herero 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:赫雷罗


  1. Harvard Educational Review 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:哈佛教育评论


  1. High Energy Ring 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:高能环
  2. HIM (Hardware Interface Module) Equipment Rack 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:HIM(硬件接口模块)设备机架


  1. Honesty, Equality, Respect 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:诚实、平等、尊重
  2. Her Evil Royalty 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:她邪恶的皇室成员


  1. Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:析氢反应
  2. The Help And Emergency Response 缩写成 “HER”. 中文意思是:帮助和应急响应

