
“Insensitive High Explosives”经常缩写成IHE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Insensitive High Explosives : 钝感烈性炸药

Insensitive High Explosives具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IHE
  2. 英语全称: Insensitive High Explosives
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:钝感烈性炸药
  7. 中文拼音:dùn gǎn liè xìng zhà yào
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. The shocking-to-detonation transition ( SDT ) of insensitive high explosives ( IHE ) including LX-17 and ultrafine TATB was studied by using Hybrid reaction rate model and modified JWL equation of state ( EOS ), and phenomena of colliding diverging detonation was numerically simulated.
  2. 采用Hybrid反应率结合修正的JWL方程,研究了LX-17、超细TATB等钝感炸药的冲击起爆(SDT)过程,并计算了爆轰波的对碰现象。
  3. In this dissertation, the reaction rate of Insensitive High Explosives(IHE) ( IHE ) in the process of shock initiation and the constitutive relationships of overdriven detonation products are mainly introduced.
  4. 本文主要介绍了钝感炸药的冲击起爆过程化学反应速率以及超压爆轰产物状态本构关系。
  5. Evaluation of the Hazard of the Insensitive High Explosives(IHE) under Mechanical Impact
  6. 钝感炸药在机械撞击下爆炸危险性评价
  7. The calculated shocking-to-detonation transition ( SDT ) of insensitive high explosives is in agreement with the experimental result, and the calculated peak pressure in colliding diverging detonation increases 10 %.
  8. 结果表明,该方法计算钝感炸药的冲击起爆过程与实验数据符合较好;计算爆轰波对碰区的峰值压力提高了10%。
  9. Matching Relation Between Artificial Viscosity and Mesh Size in Numerical Modeling of Detonation of Insensitive High Explosives(IHE) Numerical simulation for overdriven and shocking-to-detonation transition of insensitive high explosives
  10. 钝感炸药爆轰过程中人为粘性与空间步长的匹配关系钝感炸药的超压爆轰与冲击起爆过程数值模拟


英文缩写词 IHE 的含义,不止“Insensitive High Explosives”一个。




  1. Integrating the Health Enterprise 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:整合健康企业
  2. Integrating The Healthcare Enterprise 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:整合医疗保健企业
  3. Institute of Hospital Engineering 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:医院工程研究所
  4. International Health Exchange 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:国际卫生交流
  5. infantile haemangioendothelioma 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:婴儿血管内皮瘤


  1. Instant Home Equity 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:即时房屋净值


  1. Institution of Higher Education 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:高等教育机构


  1. Introduction To Higher Education 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:高等教育概论


  1. Intake Header Exhaust 缩写成 “IHE”. 中文意思是:进气总管排气

