
“Common Mode Rejection Ratio”经常缩写成CMRR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和电子相关。


Common Mode Rejection Ratio : 共模抑制比

Common Mode Rejection Ratio具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CMRR
  2. 英语全称: Common Mode Rejection Ratio
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:共模抑制比
  7. 中文拼音:gòng mó yì zhì bǐ
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:电子


  1. Ability to collect high accuracy, high input impedance and high common mode rejection ratio of the technical parameters, making the system more reliable results reflect the true acquisition.
  2. 高精度的采集能力,高输入阻抗和高共模抑制比(CMRR)的技术参数,使得系统能更可靠的反映真实采集结果。
  3. Signal amplification system designed partly based on the differential op amp amplifier circuit to improve the signal to noise ratio, increasing the signal common mode rejection ratio.
  4. 系统的信号放大设计部分采用了差分运放放大电路,以提高信号的信噪比,并增大信号的共模抑制比(CMRR)。
  5. Analog front-end circuit consists of preamplifier, low pass filter circuit and back stage amplifier circuit, preamplifier circuit instrumentation amplifier is used because it has a high input impedance, high common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ), low noise, and low drift.
  6. 模拟前端电路由前置放大电路、高低通滤波电路和后级放大电路组成,前置放大电路用的是仪表放大器,因为它有高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比(CMRR)(CMRR)、低噪声、低漂移。
  7. Based on the structure, an ultra-low voltage operational amplifier is designed, which provides a rail-to-rail common-mode input voltage range and output voltage swing, as well as a high common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ).
  8. 基于此结构,实现了一种超低压运算放大器。仿真分析表明,该运算放大器能够实现轨到轨(rail-to-rail)的共模输入电压范围和输出电压摆幅,以及较高的共模抑制比(CMRR)。
  9. By means of applied technology of IC operational amplifiers, digital to analog converter and single chip microcontroller, a programmable precision measuring differential amplifier with low noise, low drift, high input impedance and high common mode rejection ratio is developed and introduced.
  10. 介绍了一种由DAC电压衰减器作为集成运放反馈电路的低噪声、低漂移、高输入阻抗和高共模抑制比(CMRR)的可编程精密差动测量放大器。


英文缩写词 CMRR 的含义,不止“Common Mode Rejection Ratio”一个。




  1. Closed Medical Record Review 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:关闭病历审查


  1. Certified Mail Return Receipt 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:挂号信回执


  1. Center for Magnetic Recording Research 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:磁记录研究中心
  2. Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:医学康复研究中心
  3. Chemistry Metallurgy Research Replacement 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:化学冶金研究替代
  4. Center for Magnetic Resonance Research 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:磁共振研究中心


  1. Coal Mine Roof Rating 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:煤矿顶板等级


  1. Contracted Monthly Recurring Revenue 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:合同月经常性收入
  2. Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue 缩写成 “CMRR”. 中文意思是:承诺每月经常性收入

