
“Drama In Education”经常缩写成DIE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和表演艺术相关。


Drama In Education : 教育戏剧

Drama In Education具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DIE
  2. 英语全称: Drama In Education
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教育戏剧
  7. 中文拼音:jiào yù xì jù
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:表演艺术


  1. Drama in education ( DIE ) and drama education are different.
  2. 教育戏剧(DIE)与戏剧教育是两个不同的概念。
  3. In recent years, Drama in Education has become very popular in the world. In all kinds of schools, it has become an important teaching method and an effective way of training.
  4. 近年来,教育戏剧(DIE)在域外非常流行,特别是在各类学校中,已成为一种重要的教学手段和培养人才的有效方法。
  5. In modern times, throughout the general education system dramatic techniques are carried out from the elementary school, to secondary school, to college, even to the postgraduate stage, which forms a systematic, go-forward and pyramid drama in education system.
  6. 现代英国正规教育体系中,采用戏剧手法进行教学的课程贯穿小学、中学,一直到大学乃至研究生阶段,形成了一个系统的、逐级递进的、金字塔形的戏剧教学体系。
  7. This thesis is an attempt on proposing a method of drama in education for children in elementary school. The method uses fairy tales as practical tool.
  8. 本文通过对小学教育戏剧(DIE)中童话应用模式的实践探讨,提供了应对教育戏剧(DIE)发展瓶颈的一种尝试。
  9. However, in China, Drama in Education has not yet received due attention, with limited popularization and limited function.
  10. 但在国内,教育戏剧(DIE)尚未得到应有的重视,普及面还十分有限,未能发挥其应有的作用。


英文缩写词 DIE 的含义,不止“Drama In Education”一个。




  1. Device Intended For Exploration 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:勘探用装置


  1. Designated Investment Exchange 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:指定投资交易所
  2. Describe, Interpret, Evaluate 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:描述、解释、评估


  1. Devlet Istatistik EnstitüSü 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:德夫莱特·伊斯塔提斯克·恩斯蒂特
  2. División de Inteligencia Exterior 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:外国情报部门


  1. Antsirananan, Madagascar 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:安齐拉南, 马达加斯加


  1. Delinquents In Exeter 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:埃克塞特的违法者


  1. Death In Evil 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:邪恶之死
  2. Description, Interpretation, Evaluation 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:描述、解释、评估


  1. Did I Eat? 缩写成 “DIE”. 中文意思是:我吃了吗?

