
“Korean Chinese And Japanese”经常缩写成KCJ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和语言代码相关。


Korean Chinese And Japanese : 韩国语、汉语和日语

Korean Chinese And Japanese具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:KCJ
  2. 英语全称: Korean Chinese And Japanese
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:韩国语、汉语和日语
  7. 中文拼音:hán guó yǔ hàn yǔ hé rì yǔ
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:语言代码


  1. But Korean companies have fared better than Chinese and Japanese rivals as they continued to win orders for higher-margin oil drilling ships, liquefied natural gas carriers and offshore oil production facilities.
  2. 但韩国造船公司的情况要好于其中国和日本的竞争对手,因为韩国的造船公司仍在不断赢得一些石油钻探船、液化天然气运输船和离岸石油生产平台的订单,这些订单利润率较高。
  3. Conclusion The distribution of SNPs in calpain-10 gene in Korean is similar to that in Chinese and Japanese, but different from that reported in Caucasian, American Mexicans and American Pima Indians.
  4. 结论韩国人calpain-10基因SNP分布与白人、美籍墨西哥人及美籍Pima印第安人等种族间存在较大差异,与中国和日本人群较为相近,其112/121单倍型组合频率显著高于美籍墨西哥人。
  5. This paper takes a close look into the way Korean people cry in burials, and compares it with that of Chinese and Japanese peoples.
  6. 本文对韩国人的哭泣及其与死亡相关联的丧礼做了考察,并与日本、中国进行比较。
  7. Korean, Chinese, Southeast Asian and European women were recruited, tricked or forced into brothels run by or for the Japanese military.
  8. 大批朝鲜、中国、东南亚和欧洲妇女经招募、诱骗或逼迫成为妓女,进入由日军经营或为日本军人服务的妓院。


英文缩写词 KCJ 的含义,不止“Korean Chinese And Japanese”一个。




  1. King County Jail 缩写成 “KCJ”. 中文意思是:金县监狱

