
“Knowledge Development Group”经常缩写成KDG,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和常用相关。


Knowledge Development Group : 知识发展小组

Knowledge Development Group具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:KDG
  2. 英语全称: Knowledge Development Group
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:知识发展小组
  7. 中文拼音:zhī shi fā zhǎn xiǎo zǔ
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:常用


  1. Project Management can concentrate knowledge of the product development group in coordination with the function; promote the scattered project team members to cross over the restriction of the time and space working in coordination.
  2. 项目管理的协同功能可以集中产品开发团队的知识,促进分散的项目团队成员跨越时间和空间的限制进行协同工作。
  3. Research on Knowledge Sharing Method and Strategy for New Product Development Group in Network Environment
  4. 网络环境下新产品开发团队知识共享方法与策略研究
  5. Knowledge is key to development, and the World Bank Group can share not only its own knowledge but also the expertise and experience of other developing countries with our clients.
  6. 知识是发展的关键,世界银行集团不仅可以与自己的客户分享其本身的知识,还可以分享其它发展中国家的专长和经验。
  7. Under new situation, Party member developing work should start from the aspects such as strengthening ideological knowledge, making clear guiding ideology and basic request, implementing Party member development work of each estate and group, reinforcing lead and supervise.
  8. 新形势下党员发展工作应从提高思想认识、明确指导思想和基本要求、做好各个阶层和群体的党员发展工作、加强领导和监督等方面着手。
  9. The basic knowledge of E-cash and its development are introduced, and the problems in E-cash are discussed. A new E-cash system based on group signature is proposed and its efficiency is analyzed.
  10. 介绍了电子商务中电子现金系统的基本知识、发展以及存在的问题,基于群签名构造了一个新的电子现金系统,并分析了电子现金方案的效率。


英文缩写词 KDG 的含义,不止“Knowledge Development Group”一个。




  1. Kardjali, Bulgaria 缩写成 “KDG”. 中文意思是:保加利亚卡尔贾利


  1. Kings Dragoon Guards 缩写成 “KDG”. 中文意思是:国王龙骑兵卫队

