
“Not Yet Released”经常缩写成NYR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和电影审查相关。


Not Yet Released : 尚未发布

Not Yet Released具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NYR
  2. 英语全称: Not Yet Released
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:尚未发布
  7. 中文拼音:shàng wèi fā bù
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:电影审查


  1. App Annie said it had not yet released numbers for annual sales for Google Play.
  2. AppAnnie表示,谷歌尚未公布谷歌市场的年度营收数据。
  3. This work has lead to a not yet released product called AnySurface that will be commercialized and marketed by Ambient Pixel.
  4. 这项工作带来的成果就是,尚未发布(NYR)的产品AnySurface即将进行商业化并由AmbientPixel销售。
  5. The Servlet 3.0 specification is not yet released, but a lot of containers are already implementing the API since it is a standard way of doing Reverse Ajax.
  6. Servlet3.0规范尚未公布,但是许多容器已经实现了该API,因为它是执行反向Ajax的标准方式。
  7. Your network's firewall has not yet released resources used in a previous voice or phone conversation. Please try again in a few minutes.
  8. 您的网络的防火墙还没有释放先前的语音或电话呼叫所使用的资源。请在几分钟后重试。
  9. The fund has already chosen a number of global fund managers through an open bidding process to invest in offshore equities on its behalf but has not yet released their names as it is still negotiating contract terms.
  10. 中投已通过公开招标程序选定了大批全球基金经理,代表自己投资海外股票,但迄今尚未公布这些基金经理的名字,因为相关合同条款仍在谈判中。


英文缩写词 NYR 的含义,不止“Not Yet Released”一个。




  1. New York Rangers 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:纽约游骑兵队
  2. North Yorkshire Riding 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:北约克郡骑马


  1. New York Region 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:纽约地区


  1. Nationwide Youth Roundup 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:全国青年团聚


  1. Next Year Ready 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:明年准备好
  2. Not Yet Rated 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:尚未评级
  3. NY Rangers 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:纽约游侠
  4. Not Yet Returned 缩写成 “NYR”. 中文意思是:尚未归还

