
“Century, Centuries”经常缩写成c.,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和单位测量相关。


Century, Centuries : 世纪,世纪

Century, Centuries具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:c.
  2. 英语全称: Century, Centuries
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:世纪,世纪
  7. 中文拼音:shì jì shì jì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:单位测量


  1. There may be setbacks of a century or even centuries, but they seem small reverses when measured against the vast prospect of human progress or even the record of it up to this point.
  2. 也许在一个世纪甚至几个世纪里会出现挫折,但与人类进步的远大前程或与人类发展至今的历史相比,这些挫折不过是小小的失败。
  3. The 21st century are the informational centuries, the multimedia teaching have become a modern educational important symbol.
  4. 21世纪是信息化的世纪,多媒体教学成了现代教育的一个重要标志。
  5. The institution of the Peerage of France, which started to appear in the late12th century and lasted for three centuries, manifested a special form of power attribute in the Kingdom of France.
  6. 十二世纪晚期以来三个世纪中,法国出现的十二位「法兰西贵族」这种机制,表现出一种特别的权力属性。
  7. German normal education came into being in Prussia at the end of 17 ~ th Century. After about two centuries ' development it had basically become systematic and rigorous normal education System until the end of 19 ~ th century and the beginning of 20th century.
  8. 德国师范教育产生于17世纪末的普鲁士,经过两个世纪的发展,到19世纪末20世纪初基本形成了一个系统较为严密的师范教育体制。
  9. Since the birth of cartoon art since 16-17 century, especially in recent centuries, the rapid development worldwide rely on cartoon characters into a cartoon form for the dissemination of culture.
  10. 卡通艺术自从16、17世纪诞生以来,尤其是最近一百年以来,在全球范围内迅速发展成为一种依托卡通造型为传播形式的卡通文化。


英文缩写词 c. 的含义,不止“Century, Centuries”一个。




  1. Circa 缩写成 “C.”. 中文意思是:奇卡


  1. Circa (approximately) 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:大约
  2. Comitis (count) 缩写成 “C.”. 中文意思是:数数
  3. about, (circa [Lat.]) 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:关于,(大约[拉丁])


  1. Circa; approximately the year of .... 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:大约在……年。


  1. Cup(s) 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:杯子
  2. Cents 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:美分
  3. centi~ (prefix | hundredth part) 缩写成 “c.”. 中文意思是:厘〜(前缀|百分之一)

