
“National Quality Standard”经常缩写成NQS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


National Quality Standard : 国家质量标准

National Quality Standard具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NQS
  2. 英语全称: National Quality Standard
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国家质量标准
  7. 中文拼音:guó jiā zhì liàng biāo zhǔn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. All water coolers have been conducted in accordance with national quality standard and can ensure their quality.
  2. 所有机组均按国家质量标准(NQS)出厂,保证运行的安全、稳定。
  3. Several specific countermeasures such as unified name, scientific use, establishment of the national quality standard and the certificate of quality system are proposed on the basis of chemical and mineral compositions of mineral medicine.
  4. 通过讨论,本文提出了对矿物药要根据其成分统一命名,科学使用,建立国家矿物药质量标准和质量认定体制等具体办法。
  5. Methods The acid value, peroxide value and carbonyl value of the inhabitant's daily edible vegetable oil were determined based on the national quality standard.
  6. 方法根据食用植物油国家卫生标准对采集样品的酸价、过氧化值、羰基价及感官性状进行测定。
  7. The cloth bleached by that means is not only high in whiteness but also high in strength, and therefore its whole quality has paralleled or even beyond the existing national quality standard.
  8. 采用纯漂工艺漂白的布匹,产品质量全面达到并超出了现有国家标准,不仅白度高,而且强力也高。
  9. The quality of W-03, Zhu 9217, Xian 2007 achieved national quality standard with high yield and good resistance, which can be used in production test and demonstration.
  10. W-03、驻9217、西安2007的品质达国优标准,且丰产性好、抗逆性强,可直接进行生产试验示范。


英文缩写词 NQS 的含义,不止“National Quality Standard”一个。




  1. Ninguém Quer Saber 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:没有人想知道


  1. National Quarter Scale Puller 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家四分之一规模拉具
  2. National Quarter Scale 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家季度规模


  1. Nuveen Select Quality Municipal Fund 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:努文精选优质市政基金
  2. Non Quasi Static 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:非准静态
  3. Not Quite Smart. 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:不太聪明。


  1. National Quality Strategy 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家质量战略
  2. National Quarry Services 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家采石场服务
  3. National Qualifications System 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家资格制度
  4. National Qualification System 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:国家资格制度


  1. Network Queuing System 缩写成 “NQS”. 中文意思是:网络排队系统

