
“Not Show Quality”经常缩写成NSQ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于体育领域 ,和相关。


Not Show Quality : 不显示质量

Not Show Quality具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NSQ
  2. 英语全称: Not Show Quality
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:不显示质量
  7. 中文拼音:bù xiǎn shì zhì liàng
  8. 常用领域:体育
  9. 相关:


  1. This will not only show the quality of the fish but the skill of the chef.
  2. 这道菜展示的不仅是石斑鱼的品质,还有厨师的技艺。
  3. Although the late sowing could somewhat reduce the incidence of cracked stem disease, but it could not show high yield and high quality of broccoli.
  4. 虽然在田间试验中适当推迟播种日期可以在一定程度上降低裂茎病发生率,但是这样并不能保证青花菜的产量和商品品质。
  5. " Couples who do not have children also show diminished marital quality over time," says Scott Stanley, research professor of psychology at University of Denver.
  6. “那些没孩子的夫妻,婚姻质量也会随着时间而下降,”丹佛大学的心理学教授斯科特。
  7. The result indicated that it was obvious difference for general combining ability of stem quality traits among parents, and though a parent did not show that all of one's stem quality traits very well, the parent with over two excellent traits were easily discovered.
  8. 结果表明:亲本间茎秆质量性状的一般配合力存在明显的差异,亲本自交系的茎秆质量性状表现不同,可同时具备2个或2个以上优异性状。
  9. There's not a lot of evidence to show that sleep quality and quantity is declining, she says. What we are finding is that people are doing more complex tasks than they used to, and that sleepiness is affecting their lives adversely to a greater extent.
  10. 没有太多证据显示人们的睡眠质量和数量都在下降,她表示,我们发现,人们的任务比以前更为复杂,磕睡正在更大程度上给他们的生活带来负面影响。


英文缩写词 NSQ 的含义,不止“Not Show Quality”一个。




  1. New Salmon Queen 缩写成 “NSQ”. 中文意思是:新三文鱼皇后


  1. Neuro-Surgery Quiz 缩写成 “NSQ”. 中文意思是:神经外科测验
  2. Not Sufficient Quantity 缩写成 “NSQ”. 中文意思是:数量不足


  1. Natural Stone Quarry 缩写成 “NSQ”. 中文意思是:天然石料场


  1. Nursing Science Quarterly 缩写成 “NSQ”. 中文意思是:护理科学季刊

