
“Not The Usual Way”经常缩写成NUW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和聊天相关。


Not The Usual Way : 不是通常的方式

Not The Usual Way具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NUW
  2. 英语全称: Not The Usual Way
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:不是通常的方式
  7. 中文拼音:bù shì tōng cháng de fāng shì
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:聊天


  1. I think that what's happening is these ideas & Everything is evolving, so I 'm actually presenting here our modern finance as the outgrowth of socialism, but that's not the usual way to present it.
  2. 我认为这些想法观念也正在-,一切都在进步,但我真正想表达的是现代金融,也可以被解读为社会主义的一个产物,这种解读并不常见。
  3. Ben & Jerry might help you get pregnant, but not in the usual way.
  4. 本杰里冰激凌可能会帮助你怀孕,但非常规的办法。
  5. Even now there lingers a sense that a successful Chelsea is not part of the usual way of things in football.
  6. 直到现在还有这种感受遗留下来,就是胜利的切尔西不属于足球界的正常情况。
  7. Mechanical reproduction not only changes the essence of artworks but also make us learn to perceive in distraction instead of concentration, which is the usual way of appreciating traditional artworks.
  8. 机械复制不仅改变了艺术品的本质,而且使我们学会了在消遣中去感受艺术作品,而我们在欣赏传统的艺术作品时往往是以凝神观照的方式来进行的。
  9. The text not only analyses the relations between two usual ways that calculate constant magnetic field energy in general physics books, but also gives the other way to calculate magnetic field energy which distribute in closing current with the formula about magnetic energy in electric current coil.
  10. 本文分析了普物教科书中稳恒磁场能量常用的两种计算方法之间的关系,给出了闭合体分布电流磁场磁能的另一种计算方法。


英文缩写词 NUW 的含义,不止“Not The Usual Way”一个。




  1. Nuworld Solutions Limited 缩写成 “NUW”. 中文意思是:纽世界解决方案有限公司


  1. NetWare Users of Wichita 缩写成 “NUW”. 中文意思是:Wichita的Netware用户

