
“Individual X”经常缩写成IX,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Individual X : 个人X

Individual X具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IX
  2. 英语全称: Individual X
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:个人X
  7. 中文拼音:gè rén
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The morphological observation and composition analysis for individual particles were performed by scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer ( SEM / EDX ).
  2. 用扫描电镜/X射线能谱观察和分析单个颗粒的形貌和元素成分,对粗细颗粒分别进行了X射线物相分析。
  3. Results : The aberration types of 13 cases of individual cell chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood were balanced translocation, inversion, deletion, duplication, and monosomic X. The main clinical manifestations included abnormal sex development, abortion or dead fetus, and limb deformity.
  4. 结果13例外周血单个细胞染色体畸变的畸变类型可分为平衡易位、倒位、缺失、重复及X染色体单体等,主要临床表现包括性发育异常、死胎流产及肢体畸形等。
  5. The Individual Behavior Motivation Mode in Chinese Commercial Banks & An Analysis Based on the X-efficiency Theory
  6. 我国商业银行个人行为激励模式&一种基于X效率理论的分析
  7. The probabilities of the following events for a fully discrete binomial risk model are discussed in this paper : the insurance company survives to any fixed time n, the k-th individual claim happens at time n and the surplus at time n equals x.
  8. 用分析论证的方法得到了在复合二项风险模型下,保险公司生存到固定时刻n,在n恰好发生第k次赔付,而且在n的盈余为某数x(x0)的概率公式。
  9. Monitoring Results of Individual Dose among X-ray Images Workers in Medical Institutions of Shaoyang City during 2004-2007
  10. 2004&2007年邵阳市医疗机构X射线影像工作人员个人剂量监测结果


英文缩写词 IX 的含义,不止“Individual X”一个。




  1. Orix Corporation 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:Orix公司


  1. Unclassified Miscellaneous ship type 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:非分类杂船型


  1. Irregular X 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:不规则X
  2. Imagination X 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:想象X
  3. The Inclusion Of X 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:包含x
  4. Unclassified Miscellaneous (class IX, or 9) 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:非保密杂项(第九类或第九类)
  5. Iannis Xenakis 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:泽纳基斯


  1. Linker information (Modula-3) 缩写成 “IX”. 中文意思是:链接器信息(模块3)

