
“Pay For War”经常缩写成PFW,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Pay For War : 为战争买单

Pay For War具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PFW
  2. 英语全称: Pay For War
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:为战争买单
  7. 中文拼音:wèi zhàn zhēng mǎi dān
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Because some conducts done in Japan in the recent decades violated the Declaration clearly, we should terminate or suspend the operation of provisions of this treaty according to international law, and ask Japan to pay for war reparations.
  2. 由于近一、二十年日本国内发生的某些行为明显地违反了《中日联合声明》,中国根据国际法,有权终止或停止施行该约,并可以要求日方支付战争赔偿。
  3. The outrageous new taxes that were levied to pay for the war.
  4. 为支付战争费用而征收的各种令人无法容忍的新税。
  5. During the war the government needs resources; it's in trouble; it raises taxes to try to pay for the war but then it finds it unable to collect taxes well.
  6. 在战争期间,政府需要资源;,它处于困境之中;,它通过提高税收来为战争支付开销,但是它又会发现自己不能够很好的得到税收资金。
  7. War chest ( fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign )
  8. (为战争或某些活动筹集的)专用基金。
  9. When Malena's husband is declared dead and the government slashes everyone's pensions to help pay for the war, the decent and grief-stricken Malena does what she must to survive.
  10. 当玛莱娜的丈夫被宣布战死而政府又大幅削减战争抚恤金后,端庄而又悲伤的玛莱娜只有尽其所能活下去。


英文缩写词 PFW 的含义,不止“Pay For War”一个。




  1. Pro Force Wrestling 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:专业摔跤


  1. Propagating Floquet Wave 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:传播花束波


  1. Powered Fixed Wing 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:动力固定翼


  1. Project FeederWatch 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:FeederWatch项目


  1. Passport For Windows 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:Windows护照
  2. Platinum For Windows 缩写成 “PFW”. 中文意思是:白金视窗

