“Quality Assurance Group”经常缩写成QAG,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。中文意思为:“质量保证组”。
Quality Assurance Group具体释义
- 英文缩写:QAG
- 英语全称: Quality Assurance Group
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:质量保证组
- 中文拼音:zhì liàng bǎo zhèng zǔ
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:美国航空航天局
- The Quality Assurance Group(QAG) assesses the quality of new projects in " real time "– providing immediate feedback to task teams and their managers, when a project is approved and during implementation.
- 质量保障部对新项目的质量进行“即时”评价,当一个项目获得批准和在执行过程中为项目工作小组和项目经理提供及时的反馈。
- Radiation protection group, security and a quality assurance group.
- 辐射保护小组,还有质量保障小组。
- Perhaps some organizations do not clearly state their quality expectations for finished code, and many use a process that places the entire testing burden on the quality assurance group.
- 也许一些组织没有清楚地表述出他们对最终代码的质量期望值,许多组织运用了将整个测试负担加到质量保证组(QAG)上的流程。
- Giving full play to functions of the quality assurance group is the guarantee of daily work smoothly.
- 如何充分发挥质量保证领导小组的职能,是药检所日常工作顺利运转的保障。
- Subsequently the paper describes the four roles and the three groups defined in SQCF : Senior Manager, Project Manager, Task Leader, Project Staff, Software Configuration Management Group, Software Quality Assurance Group(QAG) and System Test Group.
- 接着,给出了在SQCF中定义的必不可少的4个角色和3个组:高级经理、项目经理、任务负责人、项目成员、软件配置管理组、软件质量保证组(QAG)和系统测试组。
英文缩写词 QAG 的含义,不止“Quality Assurance Group”一个。
- Qvale Automotive Group 缩写成 “QAG”. 中文意思是:Qvale汽车集团
- Queen Anne Green townhomes 缩写成 “QAG”. 中文意思是:安妮女王绿色联排别墅
- Betashares Agriculture ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)-currency Hedged 缩写成 “QAG”. 中文意思是:贝塔股份农业ETF(交易所交易基金)-货币对冲
- Quick Area Guide 缩写成 “QAG”. 中文意思是:快速区域指南
- Norton Desktop Quick Access Group 缩写成 “QAG”. 中文意思是:诺顿桌面快速访问组