
“Quality Method of Operation”经常缩写成QMO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


Quality Method of Operation : 质量操作方法

Quality Method of Operation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QMO
  2. 英语全称: Quality Method of Operation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:质量操作方法
  7. 中文拼音:zhì liàng cāo zuò fāng fǎ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The process is difficult, highly technical, factors that affect product quality, method of operation is difficult to fully grasp.
  2. 该工艺难度大、技术性强、影响产品质量的因素多、操作方法难以全面掌握。
  3. The domestic establishment and revise condition of quality standard and test method of current operation transformer oil were introduced, and the comparison with foreign corresponding standard was carried out.
  4. 对国内现行运行变压器油的质量标准、试验方法的建立、制定、修订情况进行了介绍,并与国外相应标准进行了比较。
  5. The design principle for the uniformity of the filling flow of the magnetron reactive sputtering equipment, the selection principle of the controller for quality and flow as well as the control method of the operation pressure are briefly introduced in this paper.
  6. 本文简要地讨论了磁控反应溅设备充气流均匀性的设计原理,质量流量控制器的选用原则和工作压力的控制方法。
  7. Therefore, the study of orange quality detection method with the characteristic of fast testing speed, high accuracy and easy operation is very urgent.
  8. 因此,研究检测速度快、正确率高、易操作可推广性强的柑桔品质检测方法已是十分紧迫。
  9. This thesis researches quality control method and technology of product life cycle of the special steel enterprise to reuse quality information, improve product quality and operation efficiency.
  10. 本文研究和探讨了特钢企业产品生命周期中的质量管理方法与技术,以重用质量信息,从而提高企业产品质量和运作效率。


英文缩写词 QMO 的含义,不止“Quality Method of Operation”一个。




  1. Mons, Belgium 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:比利时蒙斯


  1. Quartz Mountain State Park seismograph station 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:石英山国家公园地震台


  1. Quality Management Office 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:质量管理办公室
  2. Quality Management Organization 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:质量管理机构


  1. Queensland Medical Orchestra 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:昆士兰医学管弦乐队


  1. Quality Mozilla Org 缩写成 “QMO”. 中文意思是:质量Mozilla组织

