
“Quality of Transport”经常缩写成QOT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络相关。


Quality of Transport : 运输质量

Quality of Transport具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QOT
  2. 英语全称: Quality of Transport
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:运输质量
  7. 中文拼音:yùn shū zhì liàng
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. By synthetically analyzing the competitive strength, the paper sets up an index system to evaluate the competitive strength of transportation enterprises in three aspects including demand of transport market, the quality of transport products and the economic benefit of transportation enterprise.
  2. 通过对运输企业竞争力的综合分析,从运输市场的需求、运输产品的质量和运输企业的经济效益三方面建立了评价运输企业竞争力的指标体系。
  3. Train Operation Adjustment is the important content of railway train dispatching, and also is the guarantee for increasing the efficiency of rail transport and improving the quality of transport service.
  4. 列车运行调整是铁路列车调度指挥工作的重要内容,是提高铁路运输效率和改善运输服务质量的保障。
  5. On the Synthetically Quantitative Appraisal Method of Quality of Transport(QOT) Industry
  6. 交通运输业运输质量(QOT)的定量综合评价
  7. Improving the availability and quality of public transport services;
  8. 改善公共交通服务的质和量;
  9. These indexes could ignore things that are important to most people like good universal health care and quality of public transport links given how little the very wealthy use these services.
  10. 那些挚帻可以或许轻忽对除夜部门人去讲很尾要的身分,好比超卓的齐仄易远医疗、大众交通的量量,启事是超级富人很少操做那类办事。


英文缩写词 QOT 的含义,不止“Quality of Transport”一个。




  1. Quick Online Tips 缩写成 “QOT”. 中文意思是:快速在线提示


  1. Quality on Tap 缩写成 “QOT”. 中文意思是:水龙头质量


  1. Otaru, Japan 缩写成 “QOT”. 中文意思是:日本小樽


  1. Quality of Teaching 缩写成 “QOT”. 中文意思是:教学质量


  1. Qualification Operational Test 缩写成 “QOT”. 中文意思是:鉴定操作试验

