
“Radar Electronic Jamming”经常缩写成REJ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Radar Electronic Jamming : 雷达电子干扰

Radar Electronic Jamming具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:REJ
  2. 英语全称: Radar Electronic Jamming
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:雷达电子干扰
  7. 中文拼音:léi dá diàn zǐ gān rǎo
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Solid state power amplifier ( SSPA ) is widely used in remote sensing, radar, electronic jamming, electronic identification, mobile communications and other RF systems, because of its high reliability, long life, small size, high efficiency and good linearity.
  2. 微波固态功率放大器(SSPA)广泛的应用于遥感,雷达,干扰,识别,移动通信等射频系统中,因其具有高可靠性,长寿命,体积小,高效率,线性度好等优点。
  3. According to the procedure of data gaining, data processing and data rendering, the3D detection range of radar on specific electronic jamming environment was rendered via Visualization Toolkit ( VTK ).
  4. 根据数据获取、数据处理和数据渲染的流程,利用可视化软件包(VTK)实现了对雷达探测范围的三维显示。
  5. This paper makes radar as the main target, gets information of enemy radar through electronic reconnaissance, reduces the radar capabilities by using the electronic jamming interference to undermine the effective use of radar.
  6. 以雷达为主要作战对象,通过电子侦察获取敌目标雷达信息,本文主要利用电子压制干扰削弱敌目标雷达的作战能力,甚至破坏雷达的有效使用。
  7. With the innovation of radar jamming technologies, it requires electronic jamming equipment with higher performance.
  8. 雷达干扰技术的不断革新,要求电子干扰设备具备更高的性能。
  9. Because of the influence of radar probe precision, clutter and electronic jamming factors, the recognition efficiency will be low by using only one feature of radar target.
  10. 由于雷达探测精度、噪声干扰、电磁干扰等因素的影响,使得利用目标的单一特征进行目标识别的识别率受到了限制。


英文缩写词 REJ 的含义,不止“Radar Electronic Jamming”一个。




  1. Rejected 缩写成 “REJ”. 中文意思是:拒绝
  2. Rapid Ecomonic Justification 缩写成 “REJ”. 中文意思是:快速经济论证

