
“Resistance and Liberation”经常缩写成RNL,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国政府相关。


Resistance and Liberation : 抵抗与解放

Resistance and Liberation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RNL
  2. 英语全称: Resistance and Liberation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:抵抗与解放
  7. 中文拼音:dǐ kàng yǔ jiě fàng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国政府


  1. The literature of Liberation Region was a bridge, it acrossed two important terms ( War of Resistance and War of Liberation ), also became transition between " literature of left flank " and " literature of seventeen years ".
  2. 解放区文学又是一座桥梁,它横跨中国历史的两个重要时期,即抗日战争和第三次国内革命战争时期,同时也成为左翼文学与十七年文学间不可或缺的过渡期。
  3. He always retained his strong Party spirit, not only during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation but also after the founding of the People's Republic of China.
  4. 在抗日战争、解放战争时期和建国以后,他始终保持着党性坚强的高贵品质。
  5. As you all know, during the Agrarian Revolutionary war, the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation, the people gave practically everything they had to support the army.
  6. 大家知道,在土地革命战争的时候,在抗日战争的时候,在解放战争的时候,人民为了支援军队,把什么东西都拿出来了。
  7. These ensured the success of the Rectification Movement achieved important successes, and these laid solid foundation in ideology and organization for the victory of resistance to Japan and the War of Liberation.
  8. 江苏抗日根据地的整风运动取得了重要成效,为抗日战争和解放战争的胜利奠定了坚实的思想基础和组织基础。
  9. The War of Resistance Against Japan was one period of great change and the War of Liberation another.
  10. 抗日战争时期是大变动,解放战争时期也是大变动。


英文缩写词 RNL 的含义,不止“Resistance and Liberation”一个。




  1. Rangel Neuroeconomics Laboratory 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:兰格尔神经经济学实验室
  2. Reflections on Nursing Leadership 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:对护理领导的思考


  1. Receipt Notification Letter 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:回执通知函
  2. Roll-N-Lock Corporation 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:Roll-N-Lock公司


  1. Rennell Island, Solomon Islands 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:所罗门群岛伦内尔岛


  1. Revolution in Naval Logistics 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:海军后勤革命


  1. Rendering with Natural Light 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:自然光渲染


  1. Rede das Novas Licenciaturas 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:新的执照协会
  2. Reddito Nazionale Lordo 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:国民总收入


  1. Required New Line 缩写成 “RNL”. 中文意思是:必需的新行

