“Rock Quality Designation”经常缩写成RQD,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于学术科学领域 ,和地质学相关。中文意思为:“岩石质量指标”。
Rock Quality Designation具体释义
- 英文缩写:RQD
- 英语全称: Rock Quality Designation
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:岩石质量指标
- 中文拼音:yán shí zhì liàng zhǐ biāo
- 常用领域:学术科学
- 相关:地质学
- A Monte-Carlo simulation method of rock quality designation ( RQD ) is presented in this paper based on the negative exponential distribution and lognormal distribution for modeling the discontinuity spacings.
- 本文针对岩体结构面间距最常见的两种分布形式&负指数分布和对数正态分布,探讨了岩石质量指标(RQD)(RQD)的Monte-Carlo模拟方法。
- Computer simulation of rock quality designation and its risk analysis
- 岩石质量指标(RQD)的计算机模拟及其风险分析
- The Rock Quality Designation(RQD) ( RQD ) is one of significant parameters used to evaluate the behaviour of engineering rock mass, which is a function of set number, amount, orientation, spacing and sampling direction of fractures.
- 岩体质量指标(RQD)是工程岩体性态评价的重要参考数之一。RQD为裂隙组数、裂隙数目、方位、间距及取样方向的函数。
- The characteristics of rock mass structures are studied through the network simulation of discontinuities. Then sliding plane searching can be done through connective networks of discontinuities; rock mass can be classified and intension of rock mass can be evaluated by rock quality designation ( RQD ).
- 通过结构面网络模拟研究滑坡的岩体结构特征,进而利用岩体质量指标(RQD)进行岩体分类、估计岩体强度。
- In the paper, through analysing the sensitivity of spacing, dip angle, included angle, and the number of joint sets versus anisotropy of rock quality designation, some anisotropic patterns of rock quality designation are discussed using net simulation of joints.
- 本文运用结构面网络模拟技术,通过结构面间距、倾角、相对夹角以及结构面组数的敏感性分析,探讨了RQD的各向异性规律。
英文缩写词 RQD 的含义,不止“Rock Quality Designation”一个。
- Roommate Quote of the Day 缩写成 “RQD”. 中文意思是:室友当日报价