
“The Most Efficient Operating”经常缩写成MEO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和未分类的相关。


The Most Efficient Operating : 最有效的操作

The Most Efficient Operating具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MEO
  2. 英语全称: The Most Efficient Operating
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:最有效的操作
  7. 中文拼音:zuì yǒu xiào de cāo zuò
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. For system operators, it may be desirable to find the most energy efficient operating regime for the combined network. Alternatively, total cost for gas and electricity generation and consumption ( by compressors ) can be minimized, given that these may vary with location.
  2. 对系统运行人员而言,需要为混合系统制定最高能效的运行方式;而对于市场参与者而言,则追求用于购买燃气、发电和损耗的总成本最小,各分支成本可能会因为地理位置不同而不同。
  3. The purpose of the cooling system is to keep the engine at its most efficient operating temperature at all engine speeds and all driving conditions.
  4. 冷却系统的作用是使发动机在各种转速和各种行驶状态下都能有效地控制温度。
  5. After the structure of LINUX operating system is analyzed thoroughly, three methods of obtaining load information in LINUX are concluded, and the most efficient one, that is operating / proc file system, is achieved.
  6. 在深入分析了LINUX系统的结构特点之后,本文总结了三种在LINUX下获取上述负载信息的方法,并实现了其中最高效的一种:操作/proc文件系统法。
  7. In terms of time and space, shared memory is probably the most efficient inter-process communication channel provided by all modern operating systems.
  8. 就时间和空间而言,共享内存可能是所有现代操作系统都具备的最高效的进程间通信通道。
  9. The power amplifier is known to be the most power consuming component in a transmitter, hence it is desirable to operate the power amplifier as efficient as possible, near the saturation region which is at the operating region that the signals are most susceptible to nonlinear distortion.
  10. 另外,射频功率放大器是发射机中耗电最大的器件,因此,应尽可能让射频功率放大器工作在电源效率相对较高的区域,即接近射频功率放大器的饱和区域。


英文缩写词 MEO 的含义,不止“The Most Efficient Operating”一个。




  1. Middle Earth Online 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:中土在线


  1. Methanol Australia Ltd 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:澳大利亚甲醇有限公司


  1. Dare County Regional Airport, Manteo, North Carolina USA 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:美国北卡罗莱纳州曼托市达尔县区域机场


  1. Most Efficient Organization 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:最高效的组织
  2. Medium Earth Orbit 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:中地轨道
  3. Military Equal Opportunity 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:军事机会均等


  1. Morons Eating Oreos 缩写成 “MEO”. 中文意思是:白痴吃奥利奥

