“Fukui, Japan”经常缩写成FKJ,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于地域领域 ,和机场代码相关。中文意思为:“日本Fukui”。
Fukui, Japan具体释义
- 英文缩写:FKJ
- 英语全称: Fukui, Japan
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:日本Fukui
- 中文拼音:rì běn
- 常用领域:地域
- 相关:机场代码
- The coastal region of Fukui has Japan's biggest share of dual-income households, its highest ratio of working women and its lowest unemployment.
- 沿海的福井地区有着日本最多的双收入家庭,最高的妇女就业率,以及最低的居民失业率。
- The yen yesterday hit a two-and-a-half year high against the dollar as Toshihiko Fukui, governor of the Bank of Japan, expressed strong concern about the turbulence in world markets, comparing it with " a serious disease ".
- 日元兑美元汇率昨日创下两年半以来的最高水平,原因是日本央行(boj)行长福井俊彦(toshihikofukui)表达了对全球市场动荡的强烈担忧,并把这种动荡比作“一场大病”。
- It was the second time Higuchi had issued an order forbidding a nuclear plant in Fukui to operate, and he remains the only judge in Japan to have ruled against a utility over nuclear restarts since Fukushima.
- 这是樋口英明第二次下令禁止福井的核电站运行。他也是日本自福岛事故以来,唯一一名在重启核设施方面,对公用事业单位做出了不利判决的法官。
- In this period, taking the researching experience of Kenichi Fukui as an example, the thesis focused on the impact of the tradition of academic freedom on the development of basic research in Japan and the promotion to it under the bad outer temporal circumstance.
- 在这一阶段中,论文将以福井谦一的研究经历为例,重点论述在这一外部环境恶劣的时期,学术自由的传统对日本基础研究发展的促进和影响。
- Fukui has suggested the possibility that the core CPI reading may return to negative territory because of easing prices of crude oil and gasoline, but said this does not mean that Japan was heading back to deflation.
- 福井强调;由于原油价格和汽油价格的上涨核心CPI可能会为负值,但是这并不意味着通货紧缩。
英文缩写词 FKJ 的含义,不止“Fukui, Japan”一个。
- French Kiwi Juice 缩写成 “FKJ”. 中文意思是:法式猕猴桃汁