
“Academic Knowledge And Skills”经常缩写成AKS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和相关。


Academic Knowledge And Skills : 学术知识和技能

Academic Knowledge And Skills具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AKS
  2. 英语全称: Academic Knowledge And Skills
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:学术知识和技能
  7. 中文拼音:xué shù zhī shi hé jì néng
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:


  1. Academic performance refers to the academic knowledge and skills obtained after learning and training, and it can embody the learning situation and levels of the students.
  2. 学业成就是指经过学习和训练后所获得的关于学业方面的知识和技能,是学生学习状况和水平的集中体现。
  3. Students with handicapped may not participate in the paper and pencil test, and therefore they need some accommodations to express their true academic knowledge and skills.
  4. 障碍学生可能无法正常参与以纸笔测验为代表的普通学生学业评价,而需要通过一定的调整来表达自身实际掌握的学业知识和技能。
  5. The teaching reform of biochemical experiment in higher normal colleges and universities should be carried out in terms of teaching system, contents, methods and experimental evaluation in order to improve the students ' academic knowledge and operational skills in the experiments.
  6. 高等师范院校生物化学实验教学,应从教学体系、教学内容、教学方法和实验考核方法等方面进行改革,从而提高学生的实验理论知识和实验操作技能。
  7. Professor Wong said the academic partnership exposes students to a greater range of ideas and concepts on analytical and managerial knowledge and skills.
  8. 黄教授表示,大学在学术上的紧密合作,有助学生接触更多有关分析和管理的知识和技巧,扩阔他们的视野和思维。
  9. We undertake to improve cross-border education ( CBE ) cooperation, in recognition that student, academic and provider mobility helps to strengthen regional ties, facilitate people-to-people exchanges and promote economic development through knowledge and skills transfer.
  10. 我们承诺推进跨境教育合作,认识到学生、研究人员、教育提供者的流动有助于加强区域联系,促进人文交流,并通过知识和技能的传播推动经济发展。


英文缩写词 AKS 的含义,不止“Academic Knowledge And Skills”一个。




  1. AK Steel Holding Corporation 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:AK钢铁控股公司


  1. Auki, Solomon Islands 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:奥基,所罗门群岛


  1. Anti-Kickback Statute 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:反回扣法令


  1. Alpha Kappa Sigma 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:α-卡帕-西格玛
  2. Adam Kelly Starship 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:亚当·凯利星际飞船
  3. Arsenter Kombata Sportova 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:阿森特·康巴塔·斯波托娃
  4. Azukawa Klimek And Sibony 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:阿祖川·克利梅克和西博尼


  1. Agricultural and Knowledge Systems 缩写成 “AKS”. 中文意思是:农业和知识系统

