
“Oral Language Development”经常缩写成OLD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和语言和文学相关。


Oral Language Development : 口语发展

Oral Language Development具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OLD
  2. 英语全称: Oral Language Development
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:口语发展
  7. 中文拼音:kǒu yǔ fā zhǎn
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:语言和文学


  1. Learners ' noticing of recasts as negative evidence was found to have an impact on their subsequent oral language development. It was also observed to be indicative of their modified speech.
  2. 学习者对于重铸否定性证据的感知可以影响他们之后的口头语言发展和语言修正。
  3. The primary Chinese oral language and The development of Chinese are the new two sets of teaching materials of TCFL. Their own advantages and disadvantages in vocabulary and reiteration are worth thinking about especially.
  4. 《初级汉语口语》和《发展汉语》作为新近出版的两套初级阶段对外汉语口语课教材,其在词汇量及复现方面各自具有的优点与不足之处尤其引人思考。
  5. It is necessary in helping the students develop to do the oral language training in the Chinese class of senior high school, which is also necessary to the development of the society.
  6. 在高中语文课堂教学中进行口语训练,是青少年学生自身成长和发展的需要,是现代社会发展的要求。
  7. Unfortunately, it is his exclusive stress on the oral and folk tradition and his rejection against other traditions that makes his language lose the room of further development.
  8. 但由于这种语言观独重口头、民间传统而排斥其他传统,致使文学语言失去了必要的发展空间。
  9. Teachers oral language proficiency 、 communicative competence and life-long learning are emphasized. Teacher should cooperate with colleagues 、 communities and parents to make effort for the development of foreign language teaching.
  10. 重视教师的口语水平和交际能力,强调教师的终身学习,要求教师与同事、社区、家长加强合作,为促进外语教学的发展而努力。


英文缩写词 OLD 的含义,不止“Oral Language Development”一个。




  1. Occupational Lung Disease 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:职业性肺病
  2. Outer Layer Decay 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:外层衰变


  1. Old Lady Driver 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:老太太司机


  1. Old Town, Maine USA 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:美国缅因州老城


  1. On-Line Tests and Diagnostics 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:在线测试和诊断


  1. Orchid List Digest 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:兰花名录摘要


  1. Oxford Latin Dictionary 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:牛津拉丁语词典


  1. Backup file 缩写成 “OLD”. 中文意思是:备份文件

