
“Vocational Educational Training”经常缩写成VET,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。


Vocational Educational Training : 职业教育培训

Vocational Educational Training具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VET
  2. 英语全称: Vocational Educational Training
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:职业教育培训
  7. 中文拼音:zhí yè jiào yù péi xùn
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. But in China, the higher vocational educational training patterns has not really established.
  2. 但由于多方面的原因,我国高职上述人才培养模式并未真正建立。
  3. The Research on Higher Vocational Educational Talent Training Pattern and Cultural Basic Course Reform
  4. 高职教育人才培养模式与文化基础课程改革研究
  5. Vocational training is educational and training activities that according to the requirements of the occupation or labor status to workers, for the purpose to develop and improve the professional skills of laborers.
  6. 职业培训是按照职业或劳动岗位对劳动者的要求,以提高劳动者的职业道德和职业技能为目的的教育和训练活动。
  7. Higher Vocational Education is an ability-oriented educational system, with training the special talents in high-tech application as its target.
  8. 高职教育是一种以能力为本位的教育体系,其目标是培养高等技术应用性专门人才。
  9. According to the guideline of " enhancing understanding, standardizing management, showing characteristic, strengthening achievement ", higher vocational college is to exploit educational instructional function of military training, and to enhance its contribution rate during the progress of fostering persons with ability.
  10. 高职院校要按照提高认识、规范管理、突出特色、巩固成果的思路,发挥军训的教育引导功能,提高军训在培养人才中的贡献率。


英文缩写词 VET 的含义,不止“Vocational Educational Training”一个。




  1. Veldhovens Elimination Team 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:维德霍克斯淘汰队


  1. Very Elongated Trunk 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:加长的后备箱
  2. Virus Eradication Technology 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:病毒根除技术
  3. Visual Electrodiagnostic Testing 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:目视电诊断试验
  4. Virus Eradication Team 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:病毒根除小组
  5. Veterinarian 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:兽医
  6. Veterinary 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:兽医


  1. Vocational Education and Training 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:职业教育与培训
  2. Vermilion Energy Incorporated 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:朱砂能源公司


  1. VETeriner 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:兽医


  1. Vsp Extracted Traces 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:VSP提取的记录道


  1. Vehicle Emissions Testing 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:车辆排放测试
  2. Virtual Engine Technology 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:虚拟引擎技术
  3. Very Exhausting Trip 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:非常累人的旅行
  4. Veterans Employment and Training 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:退伍军人就业和培训


  1. Vocational Education Training 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:职业教育培训
  2. Vocational And Education Training 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:职业教育培训
  3. Vocation Education Training 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:职业教育培训


  1. Very Expensive Technician 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:非常昂贵的技师
  2. Vietnam Economic Times 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:越南经济时报
  3. Volmolen Energie Team 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:沃莫伦能源团队


  1. Viewpoint Experience Technology 缩写成 “VET”. 中文意思是:视点体验技术

